Hello Gunter

On 09.05.22 21:09, Gunter Königsmann wrote:
Two possible reasons I can think of: If you place 100 control points very near to each other they will count more than a few control points at the edges caused by their sheer number.

...and if the lens distortion isn't modeled accurately for your lens there is a high probability that the middle of the lens can be matched better than the edges of the viewport. --

I've got several cameras with even more lenses, and your "high probability" is a slight understatement. I run enblend with --visualize and inspect the vis files after each stitch. Switching on the mathematically challenged parameters a and c sometimes make things really worse.

Usually I use b, d and e. With 360° one needs also v. With good image material the average deviations as indicated in the optimiser are 1/2 pixel. Compare this to 1/10 pixel from Finetune, my finding from a few years ago.

"lens distortion isn't modeled accurately" - please include more of Brown-Conrady into hugin - or hugin++

Best regards


P.S. Of course some lenses underperform in the corners, and the issue of mechanical vignetting may come up which requires maths beyond Brown-Conrady to model.

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