Hi Kay,

I was planning to update the FreeBSD package today, but noticed that you didn't upload the source code for 1.1.5 anywhere. If this was not intentional, please let me know once you got around to do so!

Robert Clausecker

On 05.02.23 21:58, 'Kay F. Jahnke' via hugin and other free panoramic software wrote:
Dear all!

I've released lux 1.1.5. Again, most changes are 'behind the scenes', but there is important new functionality as well: lux now looks at the EXIF metadata of 'ordinary' rectilinear photographs and figures out the field of view. With that datum, 'normal' camera images are now displayed *with automatic perspective correction*. This is especially useful for panorama work: If you take out snapshots from rectilinear images, these snapshots will now automatically be geometrically correct and can be 'fed back into' a panorama. This is good for, e.g. nadir patches. lux will also recognize a range of panoramic images made with the 'panorama' function of smartphone camera apps, using a heuristic to recognize such images, which typically don't have the required metadata and, therefore, were displayed as flat stripes up to 1.1.4. Introducing such features is, of course, a gamble - there's bound to be images where the detection doesn't work or goes wrong, but I've tested it with all image types I could get hold of and hope that it will work 'most of the time'. Of course you can still override the automatics.

Another feature worth mentioning is the .lux.ini file. If you put a file with that name (yes, it has a leading dot!) in your home folder, lux will look for parameters which it will adopt for the entire session, just as if you had passed them on the command line. The syntax is simple - in every line, you put one long option name, followed by '=' and the intended value, without any white space around the '=' sign. This is standard .lux syntax, as described in the documentation.

Apart from these new features, a great many small improvements and bug fixes should improve the user experience, while the user interface hasn't changed very much.

There's good news for Mac users: I was given an intel Mac, and so I could now do building and packaging for the mac myself, and I've made some progress - I could build a lux 1.1.5 package for intel-based Macs. I already mentioned with the release of 1.1.4 that lux can now use highway for time-critical rendering code, and this made it possible to build a lux version for 'apple silicon', which uses native ARM NEON SIMD instructions for speed similar to AVX2 on intel machines. A friend has built lux 1.1.5 with this backend on an *M1 mac* and made a package, which you can find alongside the i86 package on my download page:


There are also a windows installer, a ZIP file with a portable windows version, a .deb file for ubuntu 20.10 and one for debian11, plus updated documentation in HTML format.

The MacOS versions are still not well-integrated with the system, and I haven't yet managed to create a 'universal binary' which will run on all macs. Finder integration is also largely missing: using 'open with lux' on images won't pass the filenames on to lux, so it's best to start lux and use it's own file select dialog. When running lux in full-screen mode, the file select dialog may be hidden behind lux' display - you may have to switch to it's window manually. lux on macs will use automatic rendering quality adjustment by default to cope with the typically high resolution on macs.


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                • ... 'Kay F. Jahnke' via hugin and other free panoramic software
                • ... Robert Clausecker
                • ... 'Kay F. Jahnke' via hugin and other free panoramic software

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