On Thu, Feb 22, 2007 at 08:56:41AM -0500, Bob Harris wrote:
> I don't find fromInt in the haskore source.  I find fromInteger.
> Should I change fromInteger to fromIntegral?  Or is fromIntegral a
> typo and haskore has already been updated?

That should be OK.

> My download of haskore came with the IOExtensions module shown in an
> earlier message in that thread, in a separate directory (intended for
> ghc users).  I copied it into Haskore/Src.  It imports IOExts which is
> not found.  So I then made the changes indicated in msg16664 (plus
> removed the offending import).  In this case I got the error
> 'Undefined variable "bracket"', so I added the import you note above,
> and now Iget the error 'Unknown entity "bracket" imported from module
> "Control.Concurrent"'.

Sorry: should have been Control.Exception.

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