> * if building without cairo/X11 support, lstopo and lstopo.1 are
> symlinks. Packagers can choose to ignore lstopo and lstopo.1.
> lstopo.desktop isn't installed.

Could you please  make (in the next version)
a regular file and
lstopo.1 a link ?

Currently it other way round.

Merci bouquet!

On Wed, Oct 8, 2014 at 11:26 AM, Brice Goglin <brice.gog...@inria.fr> wrote:

> Le 08/10/2014 01:52, Jiri Hladky a écrit :
> > Hi Brice,
> >
> > glad to see the new version is out! :-)
> >
> > I have bumped into couple of minor problems when building new RPM for
> > Fedora:
> >
> > 1) desktop file
> >  desktop-file-validate hwloc-ls.desktop.back
> > hwloc-ls.desktop.back: error: file contains key "comment" in group
> > "Desktop Entry", but keys extending the format should start with "X-"
> > hwloc-ls.desktop.back: warning: value "Application;System;" for key
> > "Categories" in group "Desktop Entry" contains a deprecated value
> > "Application"
> >
> > Fixed version is attached.
> >
> I am fixing this, thanks.
> Here's the plan:
> * rename the desktop file to lstopo.desktop and make it point to lstopo.
> The change is invisible when clicking in the menu.
> * only install lstopo.desktop when lstopo is graphical (Cairo/X11
> support). Otherwise the menu entry doesn't work (no terminal)
> which means:
> * if building without cairo/X11 support, lstopo and lstopo.1 are
> symlinks. Packagers can choose to ignore lstopo and lstopo.1.
> lstopo.desktop isn't installed.
> * if building with cairo/X11 support, lstopo is a graphical binary,
> lstopo.1 is a symlink, lstopo.desktop is installed. packagers can
> distribute all of lstopo+lstopo.1+lstopo.desktop separately (like Fedora
> does)
> Not sure where I should document all this.
> I am not touching hwloc-ls, it remains a possibly-suboptimal symlink for
> now.
> Brice
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