Hello Brice,

k202082@blizzard2% uname -a
AIX blizzard2 1 6 00CBAAC24C00 powerpc AIX

k202082@blizzard2% ./lstopo --version
lstopo 1.10.0

k202082@blizzard2% ./lstopo - | grep "PU L#0"
        PU L#0


On 17/12/14 15:34, Brice Goglin wrote:

I am seeing assert failures on AIX 6.1 because our PU os_index is off by
one. They go from -1 to 62 instead of 0 to 63.

We have a comment saying

     /* It seems logical processors are numbered from 1 here, while the
      * bindprocessor functions numbers them from 0... */

This contradicts the doc of rs_getrad() which says index starts from 0

             Specifies the index of the system RAD that should be returned from 
among those at the specified sdl. This parameter
             must belong to the [0, rs_numrads(rset, sdl, flags)- 1] interval.

If you have AIX, could you please run
     lstopo - | grep "PU L#0"
and report the output as well as you AIX version?
If the line is only "PU L#0", the index is -1 (not displayed), we're
buggy (what I see on AIX 6.1).
If the line is "PU L#0 P#0", the index is OK.
I hope we won't have different behaviors...


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