Le 01/03/2022 à 17:34, Mike a écrit :

    Usually you would rather allocate and bind at the same time so
    that the memory doesn't need to be migrated when bound. However,
    if you do not touch the memory after allocation, pages are not
    actually physically allocated, hence there's no to migrate. Might
    work but keep this in mind.

I need all the data in one allocation, so that is why I opted to allocate and then bind via the area function. The way I understand it is that by using the memory binding policy HWLOC_MEMBIND_BIND with hwloc_set_area_membind() the pages will actually get allocated on the specified cores. If that is not the case I suppose the best solution would be to just touch the allocated data with my threads.

set_area_membind() doesn't allocate pages, but it tells the operating system "whenever you allocate them, do it on that NUMA node". Anyway, what you're doing makes sense.

    Can you print memory binding like below instead of printing only
    the first PU in the set returned by get_area_membind?

    char *s;
    hwloc_bitmap_asprintf(&s, set);
    /* s is now a C string of the bitmap, use it in your std::cout line */

I tried that and now get_area_membind returns that all memory is bound to 0xffffffff,0xffffffff,,,0xffffffff,0xffffffff

Please run "lstopo -.synthetic" to compress the output a lot. I will be able to reuse it from here and understand your binding mask.


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