Le 02/03/2022 à 10:09, Mike a écrit :

    Ok then your mask 0xffffffff,0xffffffff,,,0xffffffff,0xffffffff
    corresponds exactly to NUMA node 0 (socket 0). Object cpusets can
    be displayed on the command-line with "lstopo --cpuset" or
    "hwloc-calc numa:0".

    This would be OK if you're only spawning threads to the first
    socket. Do you see the same mask for threads on the other socket?

Yes, I do.

If you print the set that is built before calling set_area_membind, you should only see 4 bits in there, right? (since threadcount=4 in your code)

I'd say 0xf for rank0, 0xf0 for rank1, etc.

set_area_membind() will translate that into a single NUMA node, before asking the kernel to bind. Later get_area_membind translate the single NUMA node back into a set that contains all PUs of the NUMA node.

That said, I am not sure I understand what threadcount means in your code. Are you calling the allocate function multiple times with many different ranks? (MPI ranks?)



Am Mi., 2. März 2022 um 09:53 Uhr schrieb Brice Goglin <brice.gog...@inria.fr <mailto:brice.gog...@inria.fr>>:

    Le 02/03/2022 à 09:39, Mike a écrit :

        Please run "lstopo -.synthetic" to compress the output a lot.
        I will be able to reuse it from here and understand your
        binding mask.

    Package:2 [NUMANode(memory=270369247232)]
    L3Cache:8(size=33554432) L2Cache:8(size=524288)
    L1dCache:1(size=32768) L1iCache:1(size=32768) Core:1

    Ok then your mask 0xffffffff,0xffffffff,,,0xffffffff,0xffffffff
    corresponds exactly to NUMA node 0 (socket 0). Object cpusets can
    be displayed on the command-line with "lstopo --cpuset" or
    "hwloc-calc numa:0".

    This would be OK if you're only spawning threads to the first
    socket. Do you see the same mask for threads on the other socket?


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