
Milos Rancic sent to me new version of the Serbian keyboard in X (he
is its coauthor).  One of the changes he's made is that he has added
support for Serbian Latin.  Current Serbian keyboard supports only
Serbian Cyrillic and AFAIK most of the Serbian users use the Slovenian
keyboard to type Latin.  This is an important change, so I will make
the necessary patch when we finish the keyboard and I will send it to

However Milos has made another change I am not sure about.  He uses
the first keyboard group for the Cyrillic letters and the second group
for the Latin letters, but all other two-group keyboards in X use the
first group for Latin letters.  For instance he uses

  key <AD08> {   [ Cyrillic_i,        Cyrillic_I          ],
                 [ i,                 I                   ]    };

instead of

  key <AD08> {   [ i,                 I                   ],
                 [ Cyrillic_i,        Cyrillic_I          ]    };
While the approach of Milos seems to me quiet natural [1] (primary
group for primary alphabet) I don't know how this will reflect the
keyboard modifiers.

I use the Bulgarian keyboard (first group for Latin letters and second
group for Cyrillic letters).  When the first group is active
everything works fine.  However when the Cyrillic letters are active
the modifier Alt doesn't work: when I press Alt+I the programs "think"
I've pressed Alt+Cyrillic_I.  This is rather boring (and I hope
someday this will be fixed), but I can understand this.  What I don't
understand is why the Control modifier works (well not everywhere)
when the keyboard is in Cyrillic mode.  Why do programs react as if
I've pressed Control+I when I actually press Control+Cyrillic_I?  Does
the Control modifier activates temporary the first group?  If it does,
then the first group has to be filled with Latin letters.

Anton Zinoviev
I18n mailing list

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