On Fri, Jan 11, 2002 at 12:05:17PM -0800, Andriy Rysin wrote:
>Why don't we keep all those different layouts like ca and ca_enchanced, 
>lt, lt_a, lt_std and lt_p .... pl and pl2 keep in one file (ca, lt and 
>pl respectively) and use variants inside the layout file? It really 
>annoying to see 4 lithuanian layouts in the list or couples like "pl" 
>and "pl2".
>And it's really easy to use variants in setxkbmap:
>setxkbmap "ua(basic)" or setxkbmap "ua(winkeys)"
>or another way
>setxkbmap ua -variant basic or setxkbmap ua -variant winkeys
>More than that - recent kxkb from KDE allows you to "choose" of existing 
>variants from inside the layout, which makes it really convinient.
>Thus we would be able to keep as many variants as anyone want without 
>polluting common namespace.

I agree.  It'd be good it someone could clean these up after 4.2 is released.

David Dawes                                  Email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Tungsten Graphics, Inc                       http://www.tungstengraphics.com
Founder/President, Release Engineer          Phone: +1 570 764 0288
The XFree86 Project, Inc                     http://www.xfree86.org/~dawes
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