
Sometime ago we had posted a problem we had on Turkish capitalization and had 
received a work around. Unfortunately, we have not been able to make this 
work.  Situation involves idotless, scedilla and gbreve in particular. 

caps:internal  uses internal capitalization. Shift cancels Caps.
caps:internal_nocancel uses internal capitalization. Shift doesn't cancel 
caps:shift      acts as Shift with locking. Shift cancels Caps.
caps:shift_nocancel acts as Shift with locking. Shift doesn't cancel caps.

We think that the problem comes about since scedilla and gbreve minor and 
major characters do not obey the standard in that their numerical values are 
not right after another. Idotless and Iabovedot have a different problem, in 
Turkish idotless capitalizes into I and Iabovedot lowercases into i.

Many thanks for the solutions offered so far, but our problem still remains. 

We have a different workaround: 

(examples from Turkish F keyboard instead of posting the entire keyboard file)

    key <AD04> {    
        symbols[Group1]= [        idotless,               I ],
        symbols[Group2]= [       paragraph,      VoidSymbol ],
        symbols[Group3]= [               I,        idotless ],
        symbols[Group4]= [       paragraph,      VoidSymbol ]    };
    key <AC02> {    
        symbols[Group1]= [               i,       Iabovedot ],
        symbols[Group2]= [     icircumflex,     Icircumflex ],
        symbols[Group3]= [       Iabovedot,               i ],
        symbols[Group4]= [     Icircumflex,     icircumflex ]    };
    key <CAPS> {
            symbols[Group1]= [      ISO_Next_Group,               Caps_Lock ],
            actions[Group1]= [ LockGroup(group=+2), LockMods(modifiers=Lock)] 

Key here is in the definition of <CAPS> key.

It is not sufficient to define ISO_Next_Group and LockGroup(group += 2) in 
key definition. 

ISO_Next_Group is defined in iso9995 and the definition needs to be changed 
in there. 
And also, the XF86Config file needs the following modification: 

    Option "XkbRules"   "xfree86"
    Option "XkbModel"   "pc105"
    Option "XkbLayout"  "tr"
    Option "XkbOptions" "grp_led:caps"  

With these changes, capitalization for Turkish works correctly but...

If ISO_Next_Group is not used by anybody else (this question is for 
everybody, please respond if you use ISO_Next_Group), we would like to 
request that it be changed so that it sets two groups, not one and to have a 
modifier that does this. 

Is it possible?

Best regards,
Deniz Akkus Kanca [EMAIL PROTECTED]
(posting on behalf of Nilgun Belma Buguner, [EMAIL PROTECTED])

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