On Tue, Jul 09, 2002 at 11:06:46PM -0700, Keith Packard wrote:
> Around 13 o'clock on Jul 10, Anthony Fok wrote:
> > I have been wondering: would OpenType technology be able to help solve this
> > issue, since OpenType allows multiple glyphs (for different target
> > language) for each character?
> Not any better than the OS/2 codePageRange bits that we already have; all 
> this would do is permit the application to use one font instead of several 
> different fonts.  That's not particularily interesting as we're unlikely 
> to ever see good fonts that include glyphs for all of the worlds languages.

That's true.  I am dreaming that one such font will eventually be created
by the open source / free software community, but yeah, it is still a dream
now, and probably only one or at most two fonts will result from this future
project.  Perhaps it could begin by merging the existing Kochi Mincho,
Baekmuk Batang, AR PL Mingti2L Big5 and AR PL Sungti2L GB fonts, keeping the
variant glyphs separate, fill in the missing pieces, and adjust the
size and positions etc. to make it look like one uniform font instead of a
"ransom-note" font.  :-)

> And, if the "language" you mention doesn't include some locality, then it 
> couldn't even distinguish between Ming and Sung forms.

The OpenType specification tags do distinguish the old and new forms, called
ZHS and ZHT (or something like that), as well as other localities (Japan,
Korea, etc. etc.)  Ah, found it:

http://partners.adobe.com/asn/developer/ opentype/appendices/ttoreg.html

  Script:  CJK Ideographic;    Script tag: "hani"

  Language System: Chinese Simplified;   Language System Tag: ZHS
                   Chinese Traditional;                       ZHT
                   Japanese;                                  JAN
                   Korean;                                    KOR

Is OpenType the best technology for such a future project,
to combine existing works from the Chinese, Japanese and Korean community
to create a good Unicode CJK font good for all to use?  :-)
(I hope OpenType is indeed "open" and not encumbered by patents or whatnot. 



Anthony Fok Tung-Ling
ThizLinux Laboratory   <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> http://www.thizlinux.com/
Debian Chinese Project <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>       http://www.debian.org/intl/zh/
Come visit Our Lady of Victory Camp!           http://www.olvc.ab.ca/
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