On Tue, Dec 10, 2002 at 05:27:18AM +0200, Nerijus Baliunas wrote:
> Hello,
> I tried the new pc/lt layout. When I press Right Alt with the numeric
> keys (1, 2,...) I get correct Lithuanian letters aogonek, ccaron, etc as
> it should be. But when I press Ctrl-Shift (my toggle for layouts - I have
> Option "XkbOptions" "grp:ctrl_shift_toggle" in XF86Config-4), I get
> onesuperior, twosuperior from pc/latin layout when pressing 1, 2.
> While with an old lt layout I get Lithuanian letters here also. What
> should I change in pc/lt?
> Regards,
> Nerijus

If I understand your problem correctly the original li map is okay, but
if you switch to latin (to other group) you don't want _exactly_ the
latin behaviour but a li-modification of latin (with some keys
overridden to accented letters).

I think the correct solution is a redefinition of a portion of latin
map with desired keys (as in li) which should be put in a separate section
of li symbol map. Then the user could ask for described behaviour as:

XkbSymbols ¨us+li(us_li_accented),li¨

or for the original latin and pure li as

XkbSymbols "us,li"

I believe this could be a general scheme for such changes. Maybe it
would be nice to use a general naming scheme for such "extensions".
What do our gurus think? ;)

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