
May I ask a questions before answering your questions. 

1) How many security Yang models have been published? 
2) How long does it take Yang models approved in the security area? 
3) How many IETF yang models have been deployed? 
4) Does the small deployment for IETF yang models change the value of the

The SEC-ADs sent this WG off to create Yang models.   Did you consider this
in your review?

May I politely and respectfully suggest there are things about the
standardizing Yang models that you have not asked about. 

The first stage of a yang model is joyous. You decide what goes in.   The
second of getting a prototype yang model  implementation is hard work.  The
third stage of getting the model approved in the IETF environment is
frustrating and painful.    During the second and third stage, most WGs have
trouble keeping up the energy - since it is all about the small details of

Tom Petch has been very helpful, but it is a long process to refactored
structures in Yang.  Paul has done a tremendous job in both doing prototype
implementations,  and working through the lengthy issues with the Yang
models.   While completing those 5 models, Paul has run into many of the
structural issues/debates inside Yang. 

Having struggle to incorporate yang models from IP-SEC into the BGP model
(with my excellent co-authors),  may I suggest that even the IP-SEC models
are just at the beginning from I2NSF.    Maybe there are other IP-SEC Yang
models outside of I2NSF.   


-----Original Message-----
From: I2nsf [] On Behalf Of Roman Danyliw
Sent: Sunday, March 20, 2022 2:33 PM
Subject: [I2nsf] Comments on re-chartering


It's nice to see I2NSF on the formal meeting agenda again.  I see
discussions on the mailing list to again revisit the WG charter [3] and it's
on the agenda for this week's IETF 113 meeting.  I don't want my position at
the meeting to come as a surprise so I'll restate what I've previously said
in November 2020 [1] and October 2021 [2] on a new I2NSF charter:

** By all means, please use the WG to discuss I2NSF and the associated

** With the degree of discussion and review demonstrated in the last two
years by the WG on I2NSF documents, these is not sufficient WG participation
to take on new work.  It remains unclear if there is even enough energy to
finish the currently charted documents.  Given the current WG dynamics, I
will not support a new charter.

** Rechartering the WG would first require all previously promised
deliverables (all 5 YANG modules) to be complete (at the RFC Editor), and
then amongst other things, the identification of a critical mass of
additional WG participants (beyond document authors/their organizations)
committed to reviewing and implementing the work.  Next steps would be
heavily dependent on the specifics of the new work being proposed.

To the specific charter text [3], a few high level questions:

(a) This seems like a lot of work that equal to, if not larger than, the
original WG scope which the WG is having difficulty finishing.  Given that
I2NSF has been unable to publish any of its core protocol deliverables in
the last 6.5 years (chartered September 2015), is this the right size of new
work to consider?  Why is there bandwidth to do new work, but not finish the
existing work?

(b) This seems like a significant expansion into areas that I2NSF has not
worked on -- DLT, PQ Crypto, attestation, etc.  This begs questions such as
whether a new WG is more appropriate. Why is I2NSF the right place?

(c) Correct me if I'm wrong, it's my understanding that there isn't
commercial adoption (or a substantial user base) of I2NSF yet.  If that's
true, what role will this new work play in increasing the likelihood of
adoption?  Why does this additional work have to happen now rather than
waiting for more operational experience?



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