Dear list,

After the initial release in January and the v1.0 in August, I'm glad to announce the latest and feature rich version of py3status v1.1.

What is py3status ?
It is a user-contributed project which gives you an easy and flexible way to display your own stuff in your i3barby wrapping your current i3status configuration. See [2] for more info.

New major features since release v1.0 [1]
- Support for i3bar click events on your own modules (need i3 v4.6)
- You can now take action on clicks made on your i3status modules thanks to py3status ![3]

Enhancements / bug fixes
- Overall responsiveness of modules and py3status output management
- Totally asynchronous processing of i3status and user modules
- More intuitive module output ordering in your i3bar
- Respect user's locale for time transformation
- Allow float on refresh interval option for high speed refresh of your bar while still keeping low I/O footprint thanks to the integrated py3status caching

Example modules
- the new module allows you to implement some actions when clicking on your i3bar modules
- the pomodoro example has been rewritten to use click events
- new whoami module to show your current login name on your bar

Fancy a chat or need help ?
Feel free to join the #py3status IRC channel on FreeNode to get help or share your ideas !

For their issues ranging from #15 to #20 with feedback, proposals and pull requests !


I hope some of you will enjoy it :)



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