
the upcoming i3 layout restore feature almost completes my wishlist. The only
thing lacking is the "float split" that ion3 had. I fired up notion just to make
this 2-frame gif-animation showing the feature in action:


With the float split you could make two[1] containers overlap each other. The
amount of overlap was controlled similarly as you would resize a window. And the
layout stayed that way until changed it again.

I used to have firefox with docs on one side, and vim on the other. It worked
wonders for my productivity and I miss it sorely. With that implemented i3 would
be complete :)

So, I accept the feature either as built-in, or as a working script[2]. Either
way is fine ;)

Thanks for the great wm!

 - Eero

[1] or maybe even more, but I only ever used two.
[2] note that the containers overlap; a scripter couldn't get away with just
resizing two side-by-size containers since it would trigger a redraw on the
clients and that would mess things up. A possible solution could be using two
floaters and switching back and forth between them...

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