I can reproduce this easily with `focus_follows_mouse` when switching focus
with pointer enter, but not at all with keyboard focus.

There is a similar issue on the stable branch, except that focus does not
change at all on pointer enter, so i3 remains in sync. This suggests the
underlying cause is with `focus_follows_mouse`.

On 06/10/2014 02:58 AM, Anders Aagaard wrote:
I just noticed one issue now, this is from 7482a0f which I've been
using for about a week. I had focus in one window (and the window is
active), however when I type it ends up in another window.

Unfortunately I jumped in and out of windows trying to figure out what
was going on. The problem I saw was the jetbrains/intellij window had
focus, I typed and it ended up in gnome-terminal. Switching to another
workspace and back seemed to fix it, and the last few characters typed
ended up in the correct window.

So the problem is from this log, before switching workspace to 2 and
then back to 1 again.


On Tue, Jun 10, 2014 at 12:19 AM, Marcin Herda <mhe...@gmail.com> wrote:

I have been using it for the last month or so without any problems
(including saving and restoring layouts http://www.slackword.net/?p=733)

Thank you.



I want to release i3 v4.8 soon, so here is a call for testing. If you
haven't, please use an i3 build from the "next" git branch. For Debian
and Ubuntu, we have http://i3wm.org/docs/repositories.html with that
version so that you don't need to compile it yourself.

In case you notice a grave problem, please report a bug at
http://bugs.i3wm.org/ as usual.

If nothing shows up, I'll make a release within the next few days.

(FYI: This also means only urgent bugfix patches will be merged until
   the release is done.)

Best regards,

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