Can anyone tell me how to repeat this, I usually have windows popping in
and out every now and then, and use IntelliJ idea for development work. So
I'd like to look into this too.
On Jun 11, 2014 8:31 PM, "Lewis Gunsch" <> wrote:

> On Wed, Jun 11, 2014 at 2:30 AM, <> wrote:
>> Le 11.06.2014 09:29, Anders Aagaard a écrit :
>>  Java focus issues isn't what I originally reported though. Me typing
>>> stuff and it ending up in a different (non Java) window is definitely
>>> a regression.
>> I agree that this is not a Java problem, but I do not agree that it is a
>> regression. I had the problem few days ago, with the version which can be
>> found in Debian backports ( 4.7.2 ). I did not reported it because I am
>> unable to reproduce it, and does not have internet at home (I'm currently
>> at work).
> I have had this problem on other programs then Intellij. I have regularly
> encountered this issue in the Conkeror web browser. I focus a window, but
> the typing ends up in some other window in the same workspace. Usually,
> this means another Conkeror window since the workspace is devoted to it. No
> amount of refocusing seems to solve it, but I've also never tried to switch
> workspaces. However, I have had this problem for well over 6 months now.
> So, I would agree that it is not a regression.
> Cheers,
> ~Lewis

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