On 10/04/14 16:08, Timo Schmiade wrote:
> script i3 as it is now, you not only have to learn a programming
> language, you also need to write, run and maintain your own process
> communicating with i3.

I'm not sure it's reasonable to require everyone who wants to try i3 to
learn the bulk of a general purpose programming language just to make it
easier for the, I would imagine, much less frequent case of people who want
to script it.  On the other hand, it does seem reasonable to allow people
who want to do the scripting to learn the IPC side.

Personally, if i3 had used Lua to configure it, I probably wouldn't have
even given it a second look...  The simple, obvious configuration format
was part of the reason I selected i3.  This was because I came to i3 after
trying xmonad and awesome, both of which use general purpose programming
languages for configuration, neither of which I am familiar with, and both
of which I could barely get snippets of other people's configurations
working because the sheer amount of syntax you have to know to do so.

i3's configuration language isn't a drawback, it is a benefit.


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