Hi All,

On Sun, Oct 05, 2014 at 04:40:11PM +0200, e.waelde wrote:

> > The only thing I think could be improved in i3 is the config. i3 uses
> > its own configuration file format which is quite restricted. Therefor, I
> > suggest moving to a well-established scripting language that can be
> > embedded into i3's C code - lua comes to mind.
> ...
> I moved from xmonad to i3 *because* I did not grok the "configuration".
> xmonad is written in Haskell, and configuring it means to overload certain
> functions with your own implementation. While this is elegant it certainly
> wasn't my way.
> So I'm all happy with i3 having a declarative config file and an interface
> to instruct it with any programming language. 

I must second firmly on this !

i3 internals (declarative config *and* IPC) are very well thought :-)

Using a scripting language for a WM's config is a design mistake, in
my opinion... 




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