I do not pretend to understand this, but I “fixed” the link issue. Though my 
fix leaves me a tiny bit squeamish. I was able to get past the linker error 
with this modification to common.mk:

LDFLAGS ?= $(as_needed_LDFLAG) -u xcb_str_sizeof

Can someone please help me to understand what –u actually did? Is it a safe 

I’ll note that inside /usr/lib64 is an older version of libxcb (1.8). It is 
there only because I needed to do the following (libX11-devel depends on 
yum install libX11-devel

My concern is to ensure that the newer versions of the libxcb stuff (that I 
compiled) overrides the old stuff found in /usr/lib64.

Other changes that I made to common.mk include:
I3_CFLAGS  = -std=c99 -I/usr/local/cwp/include
LIBS = -L$(TOPDIR) -li3 -lm -L/usr/local/cwp/lib

Is there an environment variable that I could have defined which would have 
prevented the need for these last two lines?

Last question relates to some of the libxcb elements that I did not seem to 
have to build. These include:
xcb-proto, xcb-util-image, xcb-util-renderutil

The fact that I did not have to build these seems odd. Should I have built them 
for completeness? I’ll also note two libraries that I had to build, which were 
not listed in DEPENDS: xcb-util-wm and xcb-util-keysyms.

As mentioned I will fully publish my procedures, once I scrub them. I will 
stand up a new box and go step by step through my procedures, at that point I 
will put them online.

I’m about to try to give i3 a run now that it is built… fingers crossed.

From: Sargrad, Dave
Sent: Tuesday, October 28, 2014 10:07 AM
To: i3-discuss@i3.zekjur.net
Subject: RE: Struggling to build i3 4.8 on centos 6.5 - but almost there


Thanks again for helping me past that compile issue.

I am now attempting to link. I got past a problem with a spurious -l by 
changing how I disabled pango.

Apparently the proper way to disable pango is as follows (common.mk snippet):

#PANGO_CFLAGS := $(call cflags_for_lib, cairo)

#PANGO_CFLAGS += $(call cflags_for_lib, pangocairo)


#PANGO_LIBS   := $(call ldflags_for_lib, cairo)

#PANGO_LIBS   += $(call ldflags_for_lib, pangocairo)

The link issue I am seeing is an undefined xcb symbol:

[i3] Link i3
/usr/lib64/libxcb-render.so.0: undefined reference to `xcb_str_sizeof'
collect2: ld returned 1 exit status
make: *** [i3] Error 1

I found the following online:


Here it was suggested that –rdynamic be added to the link options. This did not 
work for me.

Which library should contain this symbol?

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