Did you watch http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AWA8Pl57UBY yet?
Typically people don’t have questions afterwards :).

On Mon, Mar 2, 2015 at 5:46 AM, Eric Abrahamsen <e...@ericabrahamsen.net> wrote:
> Eric Abrahamsen <e...@ericabrahamsen.net> writes:
>> I moved from StumpWM to i3 a bit ago, and everything's basically fine,
>> ie is a lot faster :)
>> One usage issue I'm having trouble with:
>> 90% of the time I'm use the tabbed view, no splits, each window taking
>> up the full screen. Occasionally, though, I want to see windows
>> side-by-side. In StumpWM I could create and delete splits almost
>> unconsciously, and I'm not quite getting there with i3.
>> Mostly because I don't really understand how splits are removed. I often
>> create them accidentally by hitting mod-h when I meant to hit mod-j. As
>> far as I can tell, to get rid of that I have to move the window I'm in
>> down with mod-shift-k, then back up with mod-shift-l, and that removes
>> the split.
>> But I just intentionally created a split so that I could see two of my
>> three Emacs windows side-by-side. When I was done with that, I moved
>> window three back into the same split as the other two (so now all three
>> are tabbed in one split), but can't get rid of the split itself. Now
>> I've got this:
>> i3: T[emacs emacs emacs]
>> And below that three tabbed windows. How do I get rid of that top split?
> On a whim I selected the parent, and hit mod-e. That removed the split,
> but I have *no* idea why. I suspect it's the "Implicit containers"
> section of the user guide that I'm not grokking. But I'm really not
> grokking it...
>> I'm sure this is something very simple and obvious, but I've been poking
>> at it for a while, and can't figure it out...
>> Thanks,
>> Eric

Best regards,

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