On Mon, Jul 20, 2009 at 14:46, Costello, Rob
R<costello.ro...@edumail.vic.gov.au> wrote:
> if you need some one to look at a fla or decompile a swf and have a look at
> what the actionscript is doing i can probably help
> don't know anything much about gnash but have done lots of flash coding

Would be really great if you could run the .swf in soas and debug the
.fla in order to know why it isn't advancing to the next level. Once
you get an explanation from the Flash side of things of why this
happen, I think the Gnash developers will be able to find a fix in

Does it sound doable?



> rob
> -----Original Message-----
> From: iaep-boun...@lists.sugarlabs.org on behalf of Tomeu Vizoso
> Sent: Sun 7/19/2009 7:51 PM
> To: Caryl Bigenho
> Cc: IAEP SugarLabs; server-de...@lists.laptop.org; Community Support
> Volunteers -- who help respond t
> Subject: Re: [IAEP] [support-gang] An Opportunity to bring vital content
> tothe Sugar/XO world - Needs technical help.
> Hi,
> not sure why Caroline's email didn't reached IAEP, wrong email address?
> On Sun, Jul 19, 2009 at 02:17, Caryl Bigenho<cbige...@hotmail.com> wrote:
>> Hi Caroline,
>> I agree that content is something we desperately need for Sugar and the
>> XO.
>> But, I don't quite understand your proposal.  Is Innovations For Learning
>> offering us their software for free to adapt?
> They have offered at least some of it. More may come but I don't know
> about it yet. See:
> http://blog.tomeuvizoso.net/2009/05/progress-on-sugar-activities-with-swf.html
>> If so, what language is it
>> in?
> Flash, developed specifically to run on Gnash.
>> Is the source code available?
> Yes, though in the .fla format that as far as I know can only be
> edited with the proprietary tools from Adobe.
>> Or, is this something you think our volunteer programmers should try to
>> reverse-engineer and create for Sugar and the XO?
> Well, what I would like to see (but may not be what Caroline had in
> mind) is someone with access to the Adobe tools and some Flash
> knowledge to debug the EatBoom swf file and see why the game is not
> progressing to the next levels after the first three or so sums have
> been completed.
> Once we can show to IFL that we are able to put their software to run
> on real deployments, I'm confident they will release more code.
> The assessment framework is very interesting, but I think we should
> move forward step by step.
> Regards,
> Tomeu
>> Caryl
>> ________________________________
>> Date: Fri, 17 Jul 2009 15:27:28 -0400
>> From: carol...@solutiongrove.com
>> To: iaep@lists.sugarlabs.org; server-de...@lists.laptop.org;
>> support-g...@lists.laptop.org
>> Subject: [support-gang] An Opportunity to bring vital content to the
>> Sugar/XO world - Needs technical help.
>> We have an opportunity to bring a program of K-2 English Reading and Math
>> content to our Sugar users for free.
>> http://www.innovationsforlearning.org/software_demo.php
>> Ignore the teachermate hardware and the $100 a machine price tag. The
>> concept is we make this available for Sugar for free.  So if you have XOs
>> or
>> a machines you can use with Sugar on a Stick, you can use it for free.
>> If you watch the Classroom management video you'll see they have aligned
>> it
>> to major Basal Curriculum programs or it can be used without. It can
>> differentiate instruction for groups and students.  This is vital
>> functionality.  We need to port this to the Sugar world, probably by
>> putting
>> it on the XS, maybe as a module in Moodle.
>> Tomeu has done some work on making the activities work in Sugar, but I
>> don't
>> think anyone has looked at how we enable classroom management.
>> Why I think this is important:
>> When I listen to feedback from the deployments, they all talk about the
>> need
>> for content.
>> When I see for myself what its like to use Sugar in a school, I think we
>> need an on-ramp for teachers.  This program would be an easy way to get
>> the
>> teachers to start using Sugar and computers without going very far outside
>> of what they already know. Its aligned with the major curriculum programs
>> they are already using.  My belief is if they take the first step, and use
>> Sugar, they and their students will explore further.  Too much technology
>> sits in the classroom closet. This seems like it would be used by lots of
>> teachers, not just the most technological ones.
>> This could be a model for other nonprofits for how to use Sugar to
>> distribute content they have created for our age level.
>> It would be an excellent selling point for teachers trying to bring Sugar
>> into their schools.
>> Please help us find someone (or a team) who has time and skills to tackle
>> the technical challenge of porting/recreating the classroom management
>> component.
>> Thanks!
>> Caroline
>> --
>> Caroline Meeks
>> Solution Grove
>> carol...@solutiongrove.com
>> 617-500-3488 - Office
>> 505-213-3268 - Fax
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>> IAEP -- It's An Education Project (not a laptop project!)
>> IAEP@lists.sugarlabs.org
>> http://lists.sugarlabs.org/listinfo/iaep
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> IAEP -- It's An Education Project (not a laptop project!)
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IAEP -- It's An Education Project (not a laptop project!)

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