
I had a little time this evening to work on a possible educator's survey. I 
tried to keep it short and simple so folks would actually answer the questions. 
If some of you could take a look at this, make comments,  and add anything you 
think should be in there I would appreciate it. Please use a different font so 
I can easily spot your notes.  Eventually, we can put this up as a resource on 
the wikis. I plan to use it for the first time next month at the CUELA/LAUSD 
Tech Fair. If anyone else wants to use it sooner that is fine too.  We should 
have a wiki page to tabulate results too, I guess.


Short Educational Computer Use Survey

1) Your position:

Administrator _____ IT Coordinator ______ Teacher _______ Librarian _____ 

Counselor ________ Aide _______  Other (specify)__________________

2) School Level

Elementary (specify grades) _______  Middle School (specify grades) _______

High School (specify grades)  ________ Other (specify) _________________

3) Does your school have computers for student use?  Yes ________ go to # 4

No ________ skip to #8

4) Where are the computers for student use located? (check all that apply)

School Library _________ Computer Lab ________ Computer Carts ________

Computers in classrooms __________

5) What kind of computers do you have for student use? (Check all that apply)  

PCs ________      Older Mac G4s or Power Macs ___________  

Newer Intel Based Macs ___________ Laptops (specify kind) __________

6) Where did your school get the computers? (check all that apply) 

Bought new __________ Donated new _________  Donated used _________

7) What software is used most by your students? _______________________



8) Does your school have plans to buy new computers in the near future?

Yes______________  No ________________

9) If you could have free access to any kind of software for your students, 
what kinds of learning activities would you want to have available for them? 










Optional (only if you wish)
Your name:
School Name:                                      
IAEP -- It's An Education Project (not a laptop project!)

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