Thanks for starting the survey, some thoughts...

> 1) Your position:
how about we add parent or student?

> Elementary (specify grades) _______  Middle School (specify grades) _______
> High School (specify grades)  ________ Other (specify) _________________
Can we use terminology that is not country specific please?
We would not know an elementary from a middle school here, likely same
issue in other countries. We have preschool, primary, secondary,
Ages of students: from ________ to __________

> 5) What kind of computers do you have for student use? (Check all that
> apply)
> PCs ________      Older Mac G4s or Power Macs ___________
> Newer Intel Based Macs ___________ Laptops (specify kind) __________
Some people might not know what Intel or G4 or Power Mac means, but
can remember what is written on the front of the screen. e.g. MacBook
or iBook, HP or Dell. Is there away to capture that information if
they can't use the categories above?

> 6) Where did your school get the computers? (check all that apply)
> Bought new __________ Donated new _________  Donated used _________
What about bought second hand?

> 7) What software is used most by your students? _______________________
Do we want examples?
Do we want to know operating system?

Thought: They might be able to tell us more information from pictures
than words....

> 8) Does your school have plans to buy new computers in the near future?
> Yes______________  No ________________
don't know is a category for some of the people answering this survey

> 9) If you could have free access to any kind of software for your students,
> what kinds of learning activities would you want to have available for them?
> ______________________________________________________________

> Optional (only if you wish)
> Your name:
> Email:
> School Name:
> _______________________________________________

school phone number?
school address?
how big is your school? student numbers and teacher numbers?

Does the school have internet access? what kind?

Is there a contact at the school that the surveyed person wants us to contact?

That is about all I can think of right now....
IAEP -- It's An Education Project (not a laptop project!)

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