
I'm unable to watch the YouTube video but if I was a teacher that
wanted to have children create their own books I might recommend using
View Slides to collect and organize image files created in other
tools.  For instance, children could get images from the Internet
using Browse, create images using Record or one of the Paint programs,
then use View Slides to import them into a slide show and arrange them
into sequence by renaming them.

Once you have images in sequence like that you could use View Slides
to read them like a book, copy them to a thumb drive and read them on
a non-Sugar computer using a program like Comix, or unzip them and use
a command in Image Magick to create a PDF out of them.  Once you have
a PDF like that you could convert it to DJVU with another free

View Slides is consistently more popular than any of my other
Activities and since there is very little legal content in .cbz format
(and illegal content in .cbz format isn't that easy to find either)
I've always wondered what people were doing with it.  This might be
part of an answer.

James Simmons

> Date: Wed, 18 Nov 2009 14:47:25 -0500
> From: Caroline Meeks <>
> Subject: Re: [IAEP] [SoaS]  R: E-Books for Sugar on a Stick
>        (Blueberry)
> Going along the same lines but in a different direction then Tomeu....This
> teacher asked for a simple book creation tool for kids.
> Might not be hard to create a Turtle Art Template that prints in a way that
> lets you fold the printed page to create a book.
IAEP -- It's An Education Project (not a laptop project!)

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