Just wanted to mention my admiration for the Tutorious team: they have
pushed forward a big feature that affects shell and activities, have
set up their instance of AMO for tutorials, have pinged periodically
the community for feedback, have made a spin of SoaS so others can
more easily test their work, have contacted the testing team at NZ for
feedback, etc. And not because that's a lot of work, but because it's
the _right_ work to do.

Kudos to them and whoever is mentoring!



---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Erick Lavoie <erick.lav...@gmail.com>
Date: Wed, Nov 18, 2009 at 20:15
Subject: [olpc-nz] Iso image for Tutorius
To: olpc...@lists.laptop.org
Cc: sugar-narrati...@googlegroups.com

We have a first image ready (tutorius-20091118.iso), available at:


It is based on the soas04.iso from
http://download.sugarlabs.org/soas/snapshots/2/ , therefore I do not
expect it to run on the xo.  We will try to package one for the xo in
the next days.

To create a tutorial inside the Calculate Activity:

Start the Creator by pressing the "double bubble" icon near the
Tutorial list under the Activity tab
Add actions like BubbleMessage from the toolbox window shown on the right
Add events like Gtk Event Catcher (choose the "clicked" event type)
Repeat 2 and 3 until satisfied

To execute the tutorial created:

Close and restart the Activity
Select the tutorial from the list

Known issues:

To add an element from the toolbox, you must double-click on the icon of element
To update the message of a BubbleMessage after having changed the
string in the toolbox, you must click on the object itself to allow it
to refresh
A one letter name should be used for tutorial when the screen size is
small, otherwise the tutorial list widget will go out of the screen
The tutorial doesn't end correctly at the end, right now you need to
restart the Activity to re-run a tutorial

Those issues will be fixed in the next days and as we fix bugs, new
images will be made available.  There will likely be a new one
available before the scheduled testing session on Saturday.  I'll post
again, with the link once it is available.

Thanks and see you on Saturday (NZ time)!


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