Please all join us right now reviewing the latest OLPC/Sugar community projects over IRC Live Chat:

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* XO-1.5 early production machines now available & shipping:

* Fast Review of the 4 latest (greatest!) HW/Project Proposals -- please
 join us advocating for, and/or reviewing shortcomings of these proposals:

1. Benji Smith’s Eagle and Youth Group Project - Jefferson, Maryland
2. Fedora Security Lab - India, Germany, USA
3. Lubuto Library Project - Zambian Literacy Programming Project - Silver Spring, Maryland
4. Language Documentation on Ambrym, Vanuatu - Berlin; Paris
5. Laptops Uganda

* Which projects might you enjoy Mentoring below?!

* New projects & libraries -- teaching them Community Outreach:

* Meeting results will be posted here very shortly:

1. Benji Smith’s Eagle and Youth Group Project - Jefferson, Maryland

  Requests 7/10 XOs over undetermined months

  Project Objectives:
  My project will provide entertainment and a learning experience for the
children of Los Toscones by providing them with basic computers that can be
  used for both fun and educational purposes.

  I have created a quick-start guide that can be used on deployments
  world-wide. The information being put in it can be found here: I have put all of this information into a nice booklet that can be printed at someone's own home and can be distributed when they are doing their own
  deployments. It is currently in the process of being translated into
Spanish. Note: this is NOT yet completed. In three weeks after AP exams, I
  will begin doing a LOT of work, I just don't have the time right now.

  You can track the progress of the project using the project updater, It has
  all kinds of information, as does all of the sidebar.

2. Fedora Security Lab - India, Germany, USA

  Requests 2-4 XOs over 6 months

  Project Objectives:
  We are planning to use the XOs for testing the
  Fedora Security Lab which is to be used as a Learning platform for
  budding Security Professionals. We would like to test the compatibility
  with the laptops and its hardware, and if something does not work right,
  we would even be happy to write/make changes to the hardware/software
  and contribute it back to the community.

3. Lubuto Library Project - Zambian Literacy Programming Project - Silver Spring, Maryland

  Requests 6 XO-1.5s over 24 months

  Project Objectives:
  There is a critical need for means to teach all Zambian children to
  read in their original language that the educational system cannot
  meet. Lubuto libraries reach out-of-school children and can help them
  toward reading by read-aloud and storytelling programs, but tools for
  reading teaching in Zambian languages are not available. Youth who
  have been using the One Laptop Per Child XO laptops in Lubuto
  libraries and experienced Zambian reading teachers will together be
  trained in the OLPC application Etoys and create early reading
  programs in Zambian languages. The programs will then be made
  available on laptops in the libraries and via the website
  to inspire creation of similar programs in other African countries and

  Being able to approach learning to read in their native tongue will
  literally mean development of reading fluency for hundreds of
  thousands of out-of-school and vulnerable children and youth who do
  not have access to adequate reading education. The Zambian-language
  reading programs can be used in under equipped classrooms as well as
  in Lubuto and other libraries, and programs can be adapted to
  accommodate other African languages of similar structure (primarily
  Bantu languages), potentially bringing literacy to millions of
  children in Africa. It is also expected that programs to introduce
  reading in Zambian languages will inspire more advanced local language
  computer content as well as writing of children’s books in Zambian
  languages to advance fluency.

  There remains no question of the central importance of literacy in
  African development and the spread of literacy is considered necessary
  to achieving several of the Millennium Development Goals. Illiteracy
  in Africa has been shown to underpin extreme poverty, the spread of
  disease and the health and safety of girls and women, and endemic
  underdevelopment on the continent. The central importance of learning
  to read in one’s original language has been long understood, yet
  solutions that would make this universally possible have long eluded
  Zambian society. The potential social and economic benefits of this
  straightforward innovation, then, are profound.

  An additional, narrower benefit to the young Zambians who will develop
  programming and educational product design skills can be expected to
  not only benefit them but may set them on a course to develop more
  useful educational tools in Zambian languages.

4. Language Documentation on Ambrym, Vanuatu - Berlin; Paris

  Requests 1 XOs over 6-12 months

  Project Objectives:
  The participants are currently documenting several
  languages in the Southwest of the island of Ambrym, Vanuatu. The project
work involves audio and video recordings, which will lead to the production
  of dictionaries, story books and grammars for the previously undocumented
and undescribed languages. Due to the lack of devices with the capacity to
  display accustic and visual information, however, local communities will
  hardly have access to the audio and video recordings. Also, the
opportunities for speakers to actively participate in the documentation of their languages and traditional knowledge themselves are very limited. The
  laptops provided by the OLPC project would help to make recordings
accessible to the communities as well as empower the youngest generations to
  use modern technologies to explore and record the traditional knowledge
  which is in acute danger of being lost. The objectives of a collaboration
  with the OLPC would therefore be the distribution of laptops to local
  schools, storing the data collected during the documentation work on the
  laptops and training children -- and their teachers -- to use the laptops
for documentation. The country of Vanuatu has already shown interest in the OLPC and is very adamant about the importance of language documentation so
  that we expect a collaboration would be welcome.

5. Laptops Uganda

  Requests 20 XOs over 24 months

  Project Objectives:
  - Impart computer knowledge to the young. since my country 75% of the
    population are the young people
  - To bring unity by appreciating diversity, my country has more than 90
    tribes, divided into 85 districts and has been affected by wars for the
    last 30 years that’s has caused too much tribal difference yet we are
    all Africans. So, I bringing kids of different tribes together sharing
    the same computers it brings a sense of love and peace through sharing
    hence unity.
  - To fight computer illiteracy in the youth, many youth in Uganda have
    never had an encounter with computers so weather I use an OX laptop or
    any other brand of computers it will be the same to them. They need the
    skill no matter the type of computers being used.
  - Prepare the young for the future ,this 21st century the use of
    computerized digital peripherals has became part of life in the world ,
me volunteering to reach out to the kids and the youth am preparing them
    for the future time so as to make the world a global village
IAEP -- It's An Education Project (not a laptop project!)

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