Hi Brett,

I had a quick look at your Project coEL site and your vision is
certainly ambitious. And I mean that as a compliment, don't give too
much attention to naysayers.

I'm not sure what (if any) advice I could give you, except perhaps
just become involved in OLPC, IAEP, or your own coEL projects in any
way you find enjoyable. When I was a teenager I really enjoyed school
and studying (still do), but if you don't, perhaps you could test
drive some of the high school activities in Sugar on a Stick (SoaS)
and write about the things you like or don't like there.

Hope this helps,

Kevin Kirton

> More specifically, I want to start a grassroots effort, but I'm not quite
> sure where to go from here.  Should I apply to the contributors program?
> Start a regional group? How? Participate in the IRC chatrooms? Edit the
> wiki? Any other suggestions/advice?
IAEP -- It's An Education Project (not a laptop project!)

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