Thanks for all the good input. I wasn't expecting this much response! Sorry
for the delay in response, other duties have kept me away from coEL.

A couple of clarifications:

First, perhaps I was a tad harsh when I said that Sugar was "in no way
optimized for the high school learner". I apologize if I sounded a little
tough -- in fact, you've got a excellent start, it just needs a little work.
But that'll come with time.  I'm working on prototyping some sketches of
what an ideal multitouch-enabled, high school version of Sugar would look
like and will post more when I get a little further along.

I do realize that there are a few OLPC deployments in the US, but my dream
will only work if there are *many *deployments. See, I've thought about
this, and part of the whole idea behind coEL is anywhere, anytime learning.
I'd personally love to take a class (livestreamed) from another whole
district. But in order for that to work, both districts would have to have
coEL deployments.

Also, I will look into the HIG and eBooks in detail later... thanks for the
links! Is there anything else I should/can be doing to help?

Thanks again,

--Brett Neese
IAEP -- It's An Education Project (not a laptop project!)

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