All 3 verdicts are in, 2 receiving partial approval, and the other needing detail:

Thank you to all members of today's FaculTEA a.k.a. all-volunteer enthusiastic jury, for your most dedicated peer-mentoring!!

Most all shipments should arrive before SF's community summit begins, exactly 1 week from today. Y'all please remember to REGISTER if you will join, want one of the remaining shirts -- and *new* laptop stickers. Thanks to some mind-blowingly productive volunteers we'll All Soon Meet at the Golden Gate:

On 10/15/2010 2:16 PM, Holt wrote:
Even though OLPC's Contributors Program has a bit of a temporary inventory
shortage this month, please all join us voting for the latest OLPC/Sugar
community projects over IRC Live Chat, even as I apologize certain
shipments may be somewhat delayed!  Please join us live now, to make the
best project allocations & mentoring relationships--starting right here:

Then type at bottom:
/join #olpc-meeting


* Fast Review of the 3 latest (greatest!) HW/Project Proposals -- please
 join us advocating for, and/or reviewing shortcomings of these proposals:

 1. Testing & Fixing Bugs in Sugar - Purley Surrey, London, England
 2. XO laptops as assistive technology - Seattle, Washington
 3. Calling San Cristobal Island Community - Galapagos, Ecuador

* Which projects might you enjoy Mentoring below?!

* New projects & libraries -- teaching them Community Outreach:

1. Testing & Fixing Bugs in Sugar - Purley Surrey, London, England

   Requests 1 XO over undetermined months

   Project Background/Objectives:
   I've join the sugar labs community and I want to help test current and
new releases of sugar labs. I asked the question on the sugar irc channel
   on freenode about obtaining an XO laptop to help with testing. And was
   suggested I apply with the contributor programme, I also want to write
new activties for X-O platform to achieve this I need the use of XO laptop.

2. XO laptops as assistive technology - Seattle, Washington

   Requests 7 XOs over 21 months

   Project Objectives: (IN FULL @
Twenty percent of gifted students are estimated to be "twice-exceptional."
   School system tracking, which assigns high-scoring students to attend
   certain classes at a certain school, results in a higher-than-average
   concentration of 2E students in these classes. The 2E diagnosis is
   used in education to describe people who are gifted academically, but
   have learning disabilities. These people tend to fall through the
   cracks in the school system--they are extremely intelligent but tend
   to not show up on tests because of certain deficiencies in brain
   development, learning style, behavior, etc. They are often diagnosed
   with Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD), Asperger's
   syndrome, and other things along the autism spectrum. Significant
   among their challenges are dysgraphia (physical problems that impede
   handwriting), disorganization (including misplacing completed
   assignments before they can turn them in, losing track of due dates,
   misfiling their work), short-term memory issues (this most notably
   shows up in math), and a host of other obstacles...

   The grades of 2E students trend toward a reverse Bell curve:
   they get mostly A and F grades. The failing grades are primarily
   because of things that individual laptops could address:
   * daily planners are missing entries
   * daily planners are not legible, and work isn't done
   * work gets completed but not turned in
   * work is illegible or misread as being incorrect
   * homework assignments and/or materials get left at school
   * attention drifts during class and key concepts are missed

   We propose to measure the effect on grades and outcomes of the
   * daily planners on computer
   * teachers simply share out the assignment information instead
     of relying on each student to write it down
   * teachers can more easily check the planners for accuracy and
   * parents have access to complete, current, legible planner
   * alarms, reminders, etc. are in place so milestones don't
     pass unnoticed
   * the rate of completed work not getting turned in should near zero
   * loose papers will not get misplaced if the work's not on paper
   * even if it's misfiled on a computer, work can be found via search
   * undesirable outcomes caused by legibility of handwriting
     should be improved
   * the OLPC camera can be used to photograph worksheets,
     drawings, and other things that are not in electronic form, thus
     keeping these things from being lost or misplaced
   * quality of notes should improve since the computer can be
     used to record vital lectures so they can be checked against the
     notes, thus helping fill in gaps in notes caused by inattention
     (grades from notes and grades from tests should improve)

3. Calling San Cristobal Island Community - Galapagos, Ecuador

   Requests 100 XOs over 12 months

   Project Objectives:
   1. Developing kindergarten childrenĀ“s use of computers, using existing
      websites, e.g. BBC, British Council
   2. Developing primary and secondary childrenĀ“s ability to use internet,
research topics, prepare blogs, have e-pals and keep in touch with world outside the Galapagos. Raise knowledge of Galapagos fauna and flora in outside world by creating videos of animals on island, e.g. seals and
      iguanas. Develop resources about history of island by interviewing
      older people about life in islands in past.
IAEP -- It's An Education Project (not a laptop project!)

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