/>Walter Bender wrote:
>The eventual transition to GNOME 3.0 and PYGI will make a big difference in our ability to support more interoperability as well.

This is a very good news, Thanks, Walter!

>Walter Bender wrote:
>In any case, /concrete feedback/ and criticism is welcome.

*Concrete Feedback:*

The journal is always full of garbage, hundreds of empty entries: *is there a possibility to "CLEAN" the JOurnal?,* or much better, that the programs won't write empty entries?

Empty entry = when a kid opens "Browse", and he closes 10 seconds later, it is useless that entry.

If the kid uses "Write" for more than 15 minutes, probably he wrote something useful.

For example , If the kid opens "Write" but he don't write anything, that entry would not be save on the journal.

ANother example: Programs that are not well "sugarized", they save lots and lots of useless entries on the journal.

The problem is not the space, those entries don't occupy nothing. The problem is the amount of entries.

Paolo Benini

IAEP -- It's An Education Project (not a laptop project!)

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