
On 13 June 2016 at 22:06, Samuel Greenfeld <sam...@greenfeld.org> wrote:
> I do not believe we would get significant new traction by trying to sell
> XO-1s.

Please enumerate why you think this.

Would XO-4s be any better?

> If we truly are going to force end of support in 2020, we should be
> having the developers focus on the next system and not going crazy trying to
> keep backwards support with the first.

What do you think 'the' next system should be?

Whatever it is, it has zero users and zero brand equity, so I think it
will be less successful at driving traction with new contributors.

All developers have old generic laptops lying around. Why would they
buy something generic, when they can just use what they already have
that's otherwise gathering dust?

None of them are GREEN and work in SUNLIGHT and are RUGGED and FLIP
and are LOW POWER.

The green case is probably the most important thing, I think, because
of that brand equity.

> As long as everything is routed through 501(c)3s and we do not go too crazy,
> the recycler might be willing to split the pallet.

The photos show the palette is wrapped and ready to ship out, so I
don't think so, but worth asking - eg we could splitt them between
NYC, SF, Fla and Boston areas, plus a couple of those known good

> If a few developers need them for testing, we could then siphon them
> as-needed.

Adam, how many XOs (any model) do you/unleashkids have available to
sell to developers?

IAEP -- It's An Education Project (not a laptop project!)

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