El 10/07/16 a las 12:42, Tony Anderson escribió:
> I don't know how to respond. You are still addressing procedural
> issues. Is there some reason you want to ask questions on a PR and not
> address them with the developer or me?
That is inaccurate. The developer gets all of our comments in the PR.
You should be in the PR even if you don't plan to develop.
> Why do you expect mentors to be active in github? I am not a developer
> and have no intention to become one. I am a user of Sugar and support
> its use at a number of sites. I would like Sugar to provide certain
> features which I think will make it more useful. 
Because it's Summer of *Code*. And because that is how improvements in
Sugar are done. It used to be in sugar-devel, but not anymore, and it's
not my decision to make.

The reason is that I just can't follow many dozen-message lenght threads
that switch topics all the time. Instead, PR are bite-sized and end with
a merge.
IAEP -- It's An Education Project (not a laptop project!)

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