Waduh, pak Witan ini pasti lagi bercanda...kura-kura dalam perahu ya...:)
Kalau aku ndak salah tangkap, thief zone dimaksudkan sebagai suatu carrier
beds yang ditajutkan akan menjadi conduit untuk ngacir-nya si hydrocarbon
yang sudah kejebak dalam perangkap struktur/stratigrafis, dalam konteks yang
lain, bisa menyebabkan trap failure.
Kalau kasus Donggi kemarin, berdasarkan kajian geologi, menunjukkan bahwa si
thief zone kearah up-dip secara paleogeography mengarah ke basinal, sehingga
lithologinya akan menjadi semakin halus dan otomatis porosity &
permeabilitynya getting worse kearah basinal dan present daynya, kearah
up-dip dan karenanya tidak terlalu mengkhawatirkan.
Cara lainnya, misalnya ada tangki tertutup rapat, terus di bolongin, nah,
bolongannya itulah thief zonenya.
Mudah-mudahan aku ndak menggarami laut..:)

-----Original Message-----
From: Witan [mailto:witan@;centrin.net.id]
Sent: 18 Oktober 2002 8:20
Subject: Re: [iagi-net-l] Reminder: IAGI Seminar on Giant Field and New
Exploration Concepts

Saya punya pertanyaan basic nih, pada presentasi pak Haryono ttg Dongi
discovery ada istilah "thief zone", ada yg bisa menerangkan ?

----- Original Message -----
Sent: Friday, October 18, 2002 7:46 AM
Subject: Re: [iagi-net-l] Reminder: IAGI Seminar on Giant Field and New
Exploration Concepts

> saya juga memuji seminar ini, sangat bagus utk materi, presentasi, dan
> organisasinya....selamat utk panitianya.....
>                     "Shofiyuddin Thoha"
>                     <Shofiyuddin_Thoha@g       To:
>                     ulf.co.id>                 cc:
>                                                Subject:     Re:
[iagi-net-l] Reminder: IAGI Seminar on Giant
>                     10/18/02 07:09 AM           Field and New Exploration
>                     Please respond to
>                     iagi-net
> Bagus sekali seminar ini,
> semoga berlanjut di lain waktu.
> Shofi
>                       "Ratna Asharina"
>                       <asharinar@hotmai        To:
>                       l.com>                   cc:
>                                                Subject:  [iagi-net-l]
> Reminder: IAGI Seminar on Giant Field and New Exploration
>                       10/16/2002 07:04          Concepts
>                       AM
>                       Please respond to
>                       iagi-net
> Dear Explorationists,
> On Thursday, October 17, 2002, from 08.00 - 17.00 at  Mulia Hotel Jakarta
> With Registration fee of only Rp.500.000,-
> One-day seminar with complete coverage of everything big and new in
>  Indonesia oil & gas discovery:
> Oligo-Miocene Reefs of East Java Basin, will be presented by BP-Migas
> explorationist
> SUBAN, South Sumatra Basin, will be presented by Conoco-Philips
> explorationist
> WEST SENO, Kutai Basin, will be presented by UNOCAL explorationist
> KAJI-SEMOGA, South Sumatra Basin, will be presented by Exspan
> explorationist
> DONGGI, Banggai Basin, will be presented by Pertamina explorationist
> Due to the very high confidentiality nature of the information, there
> be any full paper published except extended abstract of the presentation.
> Every presentation + discussion will have a 45 minute time allocation. So
> better be there to share the newest information and freely discuss the
> what,
> why, and how of those giant discoveries. Lunch, coffe time refreshment,
> seminar kits are provided.
>  This seminar is organized by IAGI (Indonesian Association of Geologists)
> and
> supported by BP Migas (Badan Pelaksana Minyak dan Gas Bumi) and IPA
> (Indonesian Petroleum Association).
> Payment is required with registration
> Registration fee:
> Rp. 500.000 / person including snack, lunch and seminar kit.
> Should be fully paid or transferred to :
> Ratna Asharina
> BCA KCP Ratu Plaza Account No. 525 0082543
> For further information, pls contact :
> Ratna Asharina at 021-2700410 email [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> or
> Chandra/Ijul/Benz: IAGI SECRETARIAT at 021-83702577 or 021-83702848 email:
> ---------------------------------------------------------------------
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> Indonesian Association of Geologists [IAGI] - 31st Annual Convention
> September 30 - October2, 2002 - Shangri La Hotel, SURABAYA
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> Indonesian Association of Geologists [IAGI] - 31st Annual Convention
> September 30 - October2, 2002 - Shangri La Hotel, SURABAYA
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> =====================================================================
> Indonesian Association of Geologists [IAGI] - 31st Annual Convention
> September 30 - October2, 2002 - Shangri La Hotel, SURABAYA

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Indonesian Association of Geologists [IAGI] - 31st Annual Convention
September 30 - October2, 2002 - Shangri La Hotel, SURABAYA

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