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MENKO EKUIN tentang stakeholder meeting di Bali kemarin


Minggu 2 Februari 2003 19:31:55 WIB
Gedung Utama Departemen Keuangan Lantai IV,
Jl. Lapangan Banteng Timur
No.2-4 Jakarta Pusat
Tel: (021) 380-8384    Fax: (021) 344-0394

2 February 2003

During the recent meeting of interested parties involved in the “Dialogue of
Multi-stakeholders in Energy and Mining” impaneled in Nusa Dua on 1-2
February 2003, the Indonesian Government and international and domestic
business communities have agreed to develop and enhance an ongoing
partnership to recover real investment in this critical sector.

This meeting was attended by approximately 475 participants representing
businessmen from the mining and energy sectors, including representatives of
the international communities and affiliated agencies. The conference was
opened by President Megawati Soekarnoputri and chaired by the Coordinating
Minister for Economic Affairs, Dr. Dorodjatun Kuntjororo-Jakti. Also in
attendance was the Indonesian Government Minister of Finance, Minister of
Interior, Minister for Forestry, Minister for the Environment, Minister for
Man Power, Chairman of the Investment Board, the Chief of National Police
and the Minister for Energy and Mines acting as the host.

In her welcoming address, the President hailed the dialog as a very timely
and progressive step toward addressing these issues, as it augments the
Government's priority agenda in 2003 in promoting investment and exports for
the benefit of the Indonesian people and the economy as a whole.

During her remarks, President Megawati also stated that: “Strategic
investment and exports play an important role in domestic employment
development, which is crucial to the advancement of our economy and the
well-being of our people". At the same time, the Government acknowledges
that there are various areas of concern which may curtail investment growth
within Indonesia. While these growing pains may be attributed from
time-to-time to the unique transitional period from authoritarian government
to a democracy that we are presently experiencing, the Government is
confident that the eventual elimination of these aberrations is a certainty.

"It is therefore that the Government encourages the business community to
contribute input and ideas on how to improve the investment climate in
Indonesia.” Megawati said. The President recommended that a meeting of CEOs
take place within six months, to be followed by an expanded, enlightened and
enlarged meeting one year from now.

In his report, the Minister for Energy and Mines describes tangible
successes in the energy and mining sectors. Yesterday the Government
officially launched the availability of unleaded gasoline in Bali, an
important part of the Government’s Blue Sky Program. This same program has
been implemented in two other regions; Jakarta and Northern Java. The
Government plans to gradually implement this program in rest of the country
and expects full implementation by 2005.

During his address, the Minister stated that "Energy and Mines has and
continues to play a major role in the economy and foreign exchange earnings,
as well as taxation revenue. This sector contributes approximately 29% of
the Government’s revenue, while at the same time investment in this sector
is expected to reach US 5 to 6 billion, approximately 40% of total
investment in Indonesia."

In addition, there were presentations by three business associations during
the meeting. These were the Indonesian Petroleum Association, Electricity
Power Community and the Indonesian Mining Association. Their presentations
highlighted the concern of the decline in investment in these sectors, which
are now being aggressively addressed. The main issues of concern, duly
recognized by the Indonesian Government, are related to rules of law, local
regulations, good governance, taxation administration.

Referring to the “Annual Survey of Mining Companies 2002/2003” report by the
Fraser Institute, many businessmen stated that despite Indonesia’s mining
potential being among the best in the world, the country attracts less than
1% of the global mining exploration budget. According to this survey, the
problem is policy…not political stability or security. Indonesia is ranked
the lowest from 47 countries surveyed in Policy Potential Index, despite
being rated as 16th in the Mineral Potential Index.

A single case that was raised by almost all of the speakers was the
prohibition of open-pit mining in a “protected forest” areas as regulated by
Law number 41 introduced in 1999. This law did not stipulate mining
concessions that were already given before the law was implemented. As a
result, there has been a cancellation of over US$1 billion investment, and a
potential loss of tens of billions dollars in new investment. Responding to
this issue, the Ministers for Forestry and Environment stated that despite
restrictions of law imposed by the previous government and the parliament,
the present Government would like to do its utmost to see these problems
resolved. As the newly democratic legislatiture now works with the
parliament, the Government will consult the parliament in finding the right
solution to this problem. It must be remembered that Indonesia is now a

A similar situation was also presented by the Minister for Man Power in
responding to questions on the controversial issues stipulated by Minister
Regulation number 150, specifically dealing with severance payment to
workers. The Minister stated that this regulation was issued by the previous
government and would be replaced by two new laws on manpower currently under
deliberation by parliament. On other related issues, the Minister expressed
his willingness to discuss with businessmen in this sector issues concerning
manpower and ancillary issues. However, at the same time he made a strong
appeal to the business community that they should not maintain a policy to
retain temporary workers for years or even decades just simply to avoid
minimum wage payment.

The Minister of Finance explained that special treatment could not be
allocated to any specific sector, since it would distort the entire taxation
system put in place. The Minister is open to discussions on comparative
studies on Indonesia’s taxation system to other countries’ that would
influence the level of competitiveness with regard to Indonesia.

With regard to local regulations, the Minister for the Interior has stated
that the evidence suggests that local governments are quite responsive to
concerns related to the present investment climate. Regarding 68 local
regulations that were classified as hindering business development in
various regions, 52 were cancelled voluntarily by the local governments
concerned. Only 9 were cancelled by the Minister for Interior, while the
rest is still in the process of review. This is ample evidence that local
governments are serious in improving the investment climate in their
respective regions.

The Chief of Police then took the opportunity to brief the audience on how
the police prefer to take preventive and preemptive actions rather than
repressive measures in dealing with security issues. It is notable that he
made an appeal to businessmen to improve the effectiveness of their
respective community development programs. The Chief of Police has
guaranteed that he would stand ready, willing and able to augment police
presence should businessmen require more personnel to protect their

The Chairman of Investment Board stated that the Government is firmly
commitment to protect current investments in order to avoid relocation. The
Government has henceforth developed a “one roof system” of investment
procedure to expedite all the processes, inquiries and concerns required by

Also during the meeting, the Secretary of Tourism Ministry briefed the
audience as to various policies and actions undertaken following the bombing
in Bali. The latest on this issue is the release issued by World Travel
Organization (WTO) that stated security condition in Indonesia has
recovered, as well as the tourism capacity. Based on these developments, the
Government has reviewed down the impact of the bomb on tourists arrivals
this year. It is expected the number of arrivals would be down by only 2,5%
much less than expected earlier. This meeting and other similar meetings in
various parts of Indonesia has demonstrated that that Indonesia is
relatively safe for tourism and business conventions, as safe as any other
country in the world.

In concluding, The Coordinating Minister for Economic Affairs welcomes the
direct dialog, in conjunction with a joint effort to promote economic
recovery and stability. The investment sector is a very real and vital
component of this equation.

To follow this up, the Minister has briefed his staffs to form a partnership
program that will create a common understanding and shared vision between
sectors and institutions of the Indonesian Government as to how to best
utilize the mineral wealth of Indonesia for the economic and social
development of the nation. As this vision is gradually implemented, our
international partners will hopefully share their best developmental
practices with us to develop a new mineral policy for Indonesia, and
regulatory framework that best meets the needs of Indonesia and the world.

----- Original Message -----
From: "Andang Bachtiar" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Tuesday, February 04, 2003 5:27 PM
Subject: [iagi-net-l] IAGI & Stakeholder Meeting di Bali 1 Pebruari 2003 (1)

Mewakili IAGI, Andang Bachtiar (Ketum), Bambang Manumayoso (Ketua Bidang
Migas), dan Sukmandaru Prihatmoko (Ketua Bidang Pertambangan) datang
berpartisipasi dalam Dialog Lintas Stakeholder ESDM di Bali, 1 Pebruari
2003, hari Sabtu yang lalu. Acara berlangsung di Bali Convention Center
Sheraton Nusa Dua. Peserta yang terdaftar hadir berjumlah 470 orang yang
meliputi CEO, VP, dan managers dari perusahaan yang bergerak di bidang
tambang, migas, energy dan kelistrikan di Indonesia + 12 mentri + semua
pejabat eselon 1 dan 2 ESDM + Presiden Mega. Event ini "sangat luar biasa"
dari segi kwalitas kehadiran/partisipasinya, tetapi sayangnya panitia
pelaksana tidak dapat memanfaatkan potensi berkumpulnya orang-orang penting
tersebut untuk sesuatu yang jauh lebih serius dan produktif selain suatu
briefing satu arah yang monolog dari menteri-menteri ke para stakeholder.

Tida begitu jelas: apakah memang acara tersebut sengaja didisain demikian
(walaupun namanya dialog tapi ternyata isinya monolog/briefing?), atau
memang panitianya salah menghitung bahwa untuk dialog / panel diskusi yang
melibatkan 12 mentri dan 470 undangan ternyata dibutuhkan waktu lebih dari
hanya sekedar 2.5 jam (dari 3.30-6.00 pm)?

Topik pembicaraan:
1. Presentasi oleh IPA
2. Presentasi oleh MKI (Masyarakat Kelistrikan Indonesia)
3. Presentasi oleh IMA (Indonesian Mining Association)
4. Presentasi oleh 12 Menteri.
5. Kesempatan 2 stakeholder bicara (tanpa dikomentari)
6. Penutup.

Acara sebenarnya sudah dimulai hari Jumat sebelumnya yaitu dengan golf
tournament, peluncuran bensin tanpa timbal di bali, dan ice-breaker party.

Hari Sabtunya, jam 11.30 semua peserta lunch bersama, sementara itu secara
bersamaan ada juga VIP Lunch Ibu Mega, para Menteri, CEO perusahaan migas,
tambang, listrik, pejabat esdm eselon 1 dan ketua asosiasi profesi.

Acara resmi yang berjudul DIALOG LINTAS STAKEHOLDER ESDM itu dimulai setelah
makan siang, sekitar jam 2. Setelah Pak Purnomo dan Ibu Mega pidato, acara
dilanjutkan dengan penandatanganan 6 kontrak kerjasama (INCO-ANTAM,
INKOPENRA-ANTAM, PLN-PLTU Sibolga, PLN-PLTU Amurang, Indonesia Power-Santos,
dan PGN-Chandra Asri), dan peluncuran 11 blok untuk ditawarkan kepada
investor eksplorasi migas (9 di Jawa Timur Offshore, 2 di Jambi). Setelah
itu semua, barulah rangkaian acara yang 6 diatas dilaksanakan.

Esensi dialog dalam forum tersebut tidak terjadi, karena:

1. Tidak semua aspirasi industri migas terbawakan oleh IPA. Saya melihat
baik dari kalangan Asosiasi Pemboran Indonesia, Hiswana Migas,  maupun dari
beberapa KPS mereka tidak puas hanya dengan presentasi tersebut. Ada
beberapa agenda penting yang mereka siapkan untuk dibicarakan tapi karena
tidak ada waktunya maka tidak tersampaikan.

2.Demikian juga dikalangan industri tambang dan kelistrikan, tidak semuanya
terwakili aspirasinya oleh IMA dan MKI. KAsus yang sama terjadi, dimana,
banyak sekali rekan-rekan dari berbagai perusahaan tambang maupun services
menungg-nunggu kesempatan untuk ikut bicara melontarkan unegh-unegh-nya tapi
tidak kesampaian karena tidak ada waktu.

3. Model presentasi tiap Menteri juga sangat normatif/standard, yang dari
koran-koranpun kita semua sudah tahu apa jawaban mereka soal hal-hal yang
ditanyakan (terutama oleh IPA, IMA, dan MKI). Padahal hadirin yang 470 orang
itu mengharapkan adanya dialog interaktif dan berkembang bukan hanya
jawaban normatifnya saja, tapi lebih ke jawaban rinci menyangkut

4. Karena waktu tersisa setelah menteri-menteri bicara hanya 12 menit lagi,
maka ada 2 orang yang diberi kesempatan maju ke depan diluar IPA, IMA, dan
MKI, yaitu Pak Qoyyum dari PGN dan Dutabesar Australia (kalau tidak salah)
yang keduanya mengungkapkan usulan: revolusi penggunaan gas sebagai ganti
BBM (Qoyyum), dan model penanganan konflik daerah dg pendekatan
kesejahteraan pertambangan - kasus Halmahera (Dubes). Keduanya pun tidak
sempat ditanggapi oleh para menteri, karena setelah itu langsung ditutup
oleh Pak Purnomo.

Masih beruntung mereka-mereka yang ikut sessi VIP Lunch, karena pada saat
itu diperbolehkan memberikan komentar, opini, dan saran kepada pemerintah
sembari menikmati makan siang. Yang bicara disitu semuanya CEO-CEO
Perusahaan Migas, Tambang, dan Listrik, yang pada umumnya meng"highlight"
komitmen mereka untuk Indonesia (besarnya investasi, program CD, komitmen
lingkungan, dsbnya, dsbnya). Lebih beruntung lagi, karena saya sempat juga
maju bicara didepan mereka sebagai ketua asosiasi profesi (IAGI), dengan
meng"highlight" permasalahan lapangan yang dihadapi oleh para eksplorasionis
baik di industri tambang maupun migas yang berkaitan dengan: level
pendidikan masyarakat dan pemahaman mereka yang masih sangat kurang tentang
eksplorasi&proses-2nya shg seringkali membuat tindakan dan aspirasi mereka
menjadi keliru dan membuat kita-kita yang melakukan eksplorasi menghadapi
"marabahaya" kesalahpahaman tersebut. Untuk itu saya meminta bantuan semua
yang hadir, kalau memang mau bersama-sama menggairahkan investasi dibidang
industri ekstraktif, ikut berpartisipasi dalam mendidik masyarakat kita
lewat program-program CD, Pendidikan maupun sponsorship program sosialisasi
eksplorasi-geologi ke masyarakat. Selain itu, saya sempat bicara juga
tentang perlunya ditingkatkan koordinasi di tingkat menteri dan yang paling
penting pejabat eselon satunya untuk masalah konflik pertambangan/migas
dengan kehutanan dan lingkungan. Dan yang terakhir saya minta stakeholder
meeting macam begini musti diteruskan dan mustinya melibatkan juga LSM-LSM
atau pihak-pihak yang concern dg industri ekstraktif tapi sering dianggap
menghambat atau mengkritisinya; karena kalau tidak, ini bukannya stakeholder
meeting tapi lebih ke investor meeting.(Bu Mega dalam sambutannya sempat
tidak membaca teks dan mengungkapkan bahwa 6 bulan atau paling lambat
setahun lagi, stakeholder meeting kedua harus dilaksanakan).


Andang Bachtiar
Ketua Umum IAGI

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