DATE : Tuesday, February 18, 2003 

TIME : 11:45 Hrs.

VENUE: Golden Ballroom,

Jakarta Hilton International

Subject: "Amplitudes, Risk and 

all that Geophysical Malarkey"

Speaker: Martyn Millwood Hargrave1

Dr. Rob Simm2 and Dr. Andrew Armour1

1 IKON Science Ltd

2 Rock Physics Associates Ltd.


At conference I recently attended, the explorer responsible for discovery of a 1.1 
billion bbl STOOIP field stated proudly, "there was no Geophysical malarkey involved 
in the discovery of this field". He received a cheer of appreciation pointing to an 
almost visceral connection with the audience. Now, 'malarkey', meaning humbug, 
foolishness or nonsense, is an interesting choice of word. We take it to mean that 
there was some satisfaction in being spared the frustration and agony of incorporating 
geophysical information into the decision to drill that on previous occasions has 
proved confusing and even misleading. 

It points to a significant problem in the industry. The problem is that although it is 
recognised that seismic can show effects that are related to the presence of 
hydrocarbon (and if they are recognised as such they may be used to lower the 
perceived exploration, appraisal or development risk), the practice of using seismic 
information as an input to drilling decisions is not uniformly good or understood by 
all.  In our opinion there is a good deal of 'malarkey' going on, particularly when 
unrealistic claims are made for the significance of amplitude information. Guarding 
against such 'malarkey' is the subject of this talk.


Suggestions and volunteers for talks are always welcome. Topics should be relevant to 
exploration and production in Indonesia and/or be of interest to a wide range of 


Please contact the Luncheon Talks Chairman, Peter Butterworth, at VICO Indonesia, 
phone 5236018, e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED] and/or [EMAIL PROTECTED]



- 2 -




Martyn has 23 years experience as a Geoscientist in the oil and gas industry, working 
in new ventures roles for oil companies (Trafalgar House Oil and Gas, Acre Oil and BG) 
and since 1990 in founding and developing oil and gas technology and consulting 
business's including IKODA and TROY-IKODA. In 2001 he was appointed managing director 
of IKON Science a quantitative Interpretation technology developer. 

Martyn has an Honours degree in Geology from Durham University UK and a post graduate 
certificate in Geophysics from Queen Mary College, University of London. He is an 
active member of SEG, GeoNetUK, Institute of Petroleum, and the Petroleum Exploration 
Society of Great Britain.

COST : Rp. 115.000,00 (IPA Prof. Div. Member) or Rp. 135.000,00 (Non IPA Prof. Div. 
Member) excluding drinks, payable at the entrance of the Golden Ballroom; payment in 
cash is preferred. 


·            Reservations and cancellations will be accepted until 15:30 hours on 
Monday, February 17, 2003. Phones: 572.4284-4286; fax: 572.4259; e-mail: 


·            No reservations and cancellations will be accepted after this time.

·         Members of the Ikatan Ahli Geologi (IAGI) (The Indonesian Association of 
Geologists) and Ikatan Ahli Teknik Perminyakan Indonesia (IATMI) are welcome.




      Please make sure that if you hold a reservation and are unable to attend that 
you notify

      the IPA Office as soon as possible otherwise you will be charged for cost of the 


Titi Tabusalla
Phone: +62 (021) 5724284, 5724285
Website: http://www.ipa.or.id


The 29th Annual Indonesian Petroleum Association (IPA)

Convention and Exhibition,
will be held
October 14-16, 2003 at the Jakarta Convention Center, Indonesia
Mark your agenda now,

Don't Miss the biggest Petroleum Industry Event in SE Asia!

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