FYI...and please pass this flyer to your colleagues.

Contract Area Extension to help the Economics
of Oil & Gas Field Development
The recovery of national economy needs to be supported by enough supply of
energy for the industry units' operation. The oil and gas industry
currently are still the backbone to the national economic, be that the
responsibility for energy supply to other industry, or as the significant
generator for the government budget. Based on the recent years' decline of
investment in the oil and gas industries, the related parties need to do
significant steps to increase interest in Oil and Gas Investment in
Indonesia. Therefore, oil and gas industry re-structurization need to be
done to
enhance investor trust in investing in Indonesia. Several points that need
to be done are the realization of the Government Regulation of the Oil and
Gas Law, synchronization of the government regulations implementation, law
enforcement, deregulation on Oil and Gas Fiscal sector,
implementation of good corporate governance, improve coordination and
efficiency of beaurocracy and steps in contract area extension to help the
economic of oil and gas field development. These steps can be implemented by
giving an extension on the contract early to strategic fields for
national economic development, increase government revenue, providing jobs
and reducing subsidy for gas fields. These steps should be inline
with government initiative to improve production in marginal fields where
contract area extension will be the parameter needed to develop the
marginal project
IATMI Member : Rp 300000,- (include coffee break and lunch)
Non Member : Rp 350000,-
Students : Rp 75,000,-
Kartina Haswanto, Telp. (021) 52992285 / Fax (021) 2523219,Email -
Sponsor by :
Ikatan Ahli Teknik Perminyakan Indonesia
Rachmat Soedibjo, Kepala BPMigas
Suyitno Padmosukismo, Excutive Director IPA
Iin Arifin Takhyan, Dirjend Migas
Hilmi Panigoro, CEO Medco Energi
Rudi Rubiandini Ria, ITB Perminyakan, Moderator
Tuesday, February 25, 2003, Mulia Hotel, Ballroom 1,
Time: 08.00-13.00 WIB

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Komisi Sedimentologi (FOSI) : F. Hasan Sidi([EMAIL PROTECTED])-
Komisi SDM/Pendidikan : Edy Sunardi([EMAIL PROTECTED])
Komisi Karst : Hanang Samodra([EMAIL PROTECTED])
Komisi Sertifikasi : M. Suryowibowo([EMAIL PROTECTED])
Komisi OTODA : Ridwan Djamaluddin([EMAIL PROTECTED] atau [EMAIL PROTECTED]), Arif Zardi 
Komisi Database Geologi : Aria A. Mulhadiono([EMAIL PROTECTED])

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