ConocoPhillips to Sell Indonesian Assets

JAKARTA (Reuters) - U.S. oil giant ConocoPhillips will sell a large chunk of
its Indonesian assets, including nine of its 13 production-sharing contracts
(PSC) with the government, to rationalise operations, a senior official said
on Tuesday. The Houston company - formed by the 2002 merger of Conoco Inc
and Phillips Petroleum Company and which recently posted a $410 million net
loss for the fourth quarter of last year - is in the process of selling
assets that do not bring adequate returns.

"We will sell some assets in Indonesia...We have 15 working areas in
Indonesia, including 13 areas under PSCs. We will sell nine areas under PSCs
that are located from Sumatra to Papua," Dudung Natanegara, ConocoPhillips
vice president of development and relations, told Reuters.

"Because of the merger we have to rationalise our assets and we have to
follow sound portfolio management practices," he added.

Papua and Sumatra are two of Indonesia's most resource-rich provinces.

Despite the sale plan, the company remained committed to Indonesia,
Natanegara said.

"We will continue to operate in Indonesia and we are looking at other
promising areas in Indonesia."

He declined to give a time frame for sales of the assets or how much they
were expected to raise.

ConocoPhillips was part of consortium of foreign oil firms which last year
signed a $187.6 million deal to buy a 40 percent stake in an Indonesian
natural gas pipeline system.

ConocoPhillips also has a 20-year contract to supply 1.5 trillion cubic feet
of natural gas to Malaysia's Petronas from south Sumatra. That deal was
signed in August last year.

(C) Reuters Limited 2003.

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