Dear Colleagues,

HAGI will host the 2003 SEG/EAGE Distinguished Instructor Short Course
(DISC) presentation :

Course Title : Geostatistics for Seismic Data Integration in Earth Model
Instructor : Dr. Olivier Dubrule
Date/Time : Friday April 25th, 2003 / 08.00am-17.00pm
Venue : Saragosa Room - Sheraton Hotel, Bandung

Cost :
- HAGI & SEG member = USD65
- SEG member = USD70 (USD5 for HAGI membership fee)
- Non HAGI & SEG member = USD70 (USD5 for HAGI membership fee and free
Global SEG membership fee)

Registration form is enclosed. Abstract of presentation and biography of the
instructor is summarized below.

Register you name at your earliest convenience as the participant number
will be limited only to 50 attendes.

Please kindly circulate this invitation to your colleagues who may get
benefit of this program.

Best regards,
HAGI Proffesional Division,

Sigit Sukmono
Lab.of Reservoir Geophysics
Dept. of Geophysical Engineering
Institute of Technology Bandung
Basic Science Center B, 2nd Floor
Jl. Ganesha 10 Bandung 40132, INDONESIA
Ph/Fax.(+62) (0)22-2509167




In  recent years, the use of geostatistics has spread from the world of
reservoir characterisation to that of  velocity analysis, time-to-depth
conversion, seismic inversion,  uncertainty quantification, and more
generally to that of seismic data integration in earth models. Nevertheless,
many geoscientists still regard geostatistics as little more than a
statistical black-box. By explaining the concepts and applications, the goal
of this course is to clarify the benefits of geostatistics and help spread
its use.

The course will cover the use of geostatistics for interpolation (kriging…),
heterogeneity modelling, uncertainty quantification (simulation…), and data
integration (cokriging, external drift, geostatistical inversion…). A
variety of applications and examples will be presented, including velocity
mapping, time-to-depth conversion, heterogeneity modelling, and seismic data
integration in stochastic earth models.  The relationships between
geostatistics and approaches more familiar to geophysicists, such as
filtering or bayesian methods, will also be discussed, without entering into
mathematical details.  A number of case studies will be presented, covering
examples from various parts of the world.  This will be a lively course,
illustrated by examples, exercises and discussion sessions.

The short-course presentation, limited to one-day, will provide an overview
of basic concepts and applications. The course document will provide a
support to the course, and further extend some of the more technical

As a result of following this course, geoscientists, and more specifically
geophysicists will better understand how geostatistics fits into their
workflow, what tools and techniques they should use depending on the problem
at hand, and what added-value may result from its use.

O. Dubrule has significant teaching experience, through his AAPG sponsored
course « Geostatistics in Petroleum Geology » and through courses he has
given internally at TotalFinaElf, at the Geological Society (through Japec)
and at academic institutions such as Imperial College (London) and Ecole des
Mines (France).

This course comes at a time when the use of geostatistics is spreading in
geophysics, as shown by the increase in the number of geostatistics papers
submitted to Geophysics or Geophysical Prospecting. It should raise
significant interest among both SEG and EAGE members.


This is a great opportunity for those interested in solving practical
problems involving data interpolation, earth modelling, multidisciplinary
data integration or uncertainty quantification


Dr. Dubrule obtained a PhD Degree in Petroleum Geostatistics at Ecole des
Mines de Paris in 1981. He then worked for Sohio Petroleum Company in the
USA (1982-1986), Shell International in The Netherlands (1986-1991) and,
since 1991, he has been with Elf and TotalFinaElf, working in France and in
the UK. During his career, he has held a variety of staff and management
positions where he developed and applied new techniques for reservoir
characterisation, earth modelling, risk analysis and uncertainty
quantification. After leading the « Earth Modelling and Uncertainty
Quantification » group at TotalFinaElf, Dr. Dubrule recently became manager
of Geoscience Training and Communication.

Dr. Dubrule has authored more than twenty papers in the field of
geostatistics and earth modelling. In 1991, he received the President's
prize of the International Association of Mathematical Geology, for
"Outstanding Contribution to Mathematical Geology by an individual 35 years
or younger”.  In the last decade, he organised and chaired a number of
events organised by SPE, EAGE, SEG or AAPG. Dr. Dubrule is the author of
AAPG Course Notes Series #38 “Geostatistics in Petroleum Geology”, and
editor (with E. Damsleth) of  “Petroleum Geostatistics” a Special Issue of
EAGE’s Petroleum Geoscience Journal, published in 2001.



·        Earth Modelling, the meeting point for data integration.

·        The  role of geostatistics at different steps of the Earth
Modelling workflow

·        Basics of statistics

The covariance and the variogram
·        Stationarity vs non-stationarity, what does this mean practically ?

·        Variogram and covariance. Interpreting the sill, the range, the
nugget effect.

·        How to compute a variogram.

·        Various variogram and covariance models, how to fit them, their
relation with fractals.

·        Kriging, for property interpolation in 2D or 3D.

·        Error Cokriging and Factorial Kriging for velocity analysis and

·        Time-to-depth conversion using the External Drift method.

·        Collocated Cokriging, for integration of seismic attributes
information in reservoir models

·        How Kriging relates to other deterministic interpolation techniques
(multiquadrics, splines…)

Conditional Simulation for Heterogeneity Modelling and Uncertainty
·         Conditional Simulation, what is it, and when should it be applied?

·         Conditional Simulation for 3D geological facies modelling.

·         Stochastic Earth Modelling integrating all subsurface

Geostatistical Inversion
·        Geostatistical Inversion, for acoustic impedance inversion at
reservoir scale

·        Geostatistical Inversion versus other geophysical  inversion

·        Geostatistical websites and software

·        The « do’s and dont’s » of geostatistics.
·         The current and future role of geostatistics in the reservoir
modelling workflow.

Attachment: BandungRegistrationform.doc
Description: MS-Word document

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Komisi Sedimentologi (FOSI) : F. Hasan Sidi([EMAIL PROTECTED])-
Komisi SDM/Pendidikan : Edy Sunardi([EMAIL PROTECTED])
Komisi Karst : Hanang Samodra([EMAIL PROTECTED])
Komisi Sertifikasi : M. Suryowibowo([EMAIL PROTECTED])
Komisi OTODA : Ridwan Djamaluddin([EMAIL PROTECTED] atau [EMAIL PROTECTED]), Arif 
Zardi Dahlius([EMAIL PROTECTED])
Komisi Database Geologi : Aria A. Mulhadiono([EMAIL PROTECTED])

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