>kalau maximum flooding bukannya sifatnya global dan tidak dikontrol oleh
>faktor subsidence dan sediment supply yang sifatnya hanya  regional...
>terus apa yang mengontrol terjadinya  siklus 40.000 tahunan ya...?

ini ada refrensi dari GP Allen & H Posamentier ('Guru'nya SS) ketika me-reply 
(?mengkoreksi) sebuah paper lain sebelumnya.

Salah satu dalam conclusionnya sbb : (perhatikan salah satu kesimpulannya ... bahwa 
"stacking pattern" dapat dipakai sebagai basis utk correlation .... namun tiap2 sub 
basin dapat saja mempunyai stratal pattern yang berbeda dalam periode waktu yg sama 
!!) Jadi pada waktu yg bersamaan --> Flooding (FS) disatu tempat belum tentu 
berkorelasi dengan FS juga di lain tempat. Kecuali bener2 dikontrol (constrained by 
biostratigraphy, isotopic dating, or regional seismic data).... yg ini mungkin akan 
mempunyai implikasi/korelasi regional atau malah global.

Sepertinya stacking pattern lebih penting diketahui ketimbang identifikasi surface 
(FS, MFS, Condese section dll) ... cmiiw.

Sangat jarang orang menggnakan referensi sebuah "REPLY" .... Seperti Reply dari HAQ 
ttg papernya Mobil ketika berbicara Lowstand Source rock Deep Water Mahakam tempo lalu 
Menurutku reply dari GP Allen dan H Posamentier ini sangat perlu diketahui sehingga 
tidak terjadi "misuse and abuse of Seq Strat".

--- start quote :
- We take issue with their assertion that a cornerstone of the sequence stratigraphic 
model is that "stacking patterns alone have become the accepted norm for correlation 
purposes". To do so would clearly violate a number of stratigraphic principles, 
including: (1) the only real basis for precise and accurate stratigraphic correlations 
are chronostratigraphically synchronous surfaces or sections (e.g., flooding surfaces, 
condensed sections, or unconformities) constrained by biostratigraphy, isotopic 
dating, or regional seismic data: (2) local variations in sediment supply can cause 
one area to be characterized by shoreline transgression while at the same time another 
area to be characterized by shoreline regression, hence coeval sections would be 
characterized by retrogradational and progradational stacking patterns, respectively: 
and (3) a progradational stacking pattern associated with third-order sea-level events 
in areas of relatively low sediment supply can bear a strik!
ing resemblance to a progradational stacking pattern associated with fourth-order 
sea-level events in areas of relatively high sediment supply.
--- end quote --

Ref : Sequence Stratigraphy and Facies Model of an Incised Valley Fill: The Gironde 
Estuary, France: REPLY in Journal of Sedimentary Research, Section B: Stratigraphy and 
Global Studies , George P. Allen (1), Henry W. Posamentier (2) 1994 Journal of 
Sedimentary Research Pages 81-84 

Lam salam

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