Today IPA Luncheon Talk 
Day & Date: Thursday, February 19, 2004

Time: 11:45 hrs.

Venue: Golden Ballroom, Jakarta Hilton

Jl. Jen. Gatot Subroto, Jakarta 

Subject: SUMMARY OF E&P 2003"

Speaker: Abdul Muin, Division Head for Evaluation & Development Plans BPMIGAS


Pak Abdul Muin is currently the Division Head for Evaluation and Development Plans, 
BPMIGAS.  Pak Abdul gained his BSc in Petroleum Engineering from PTPN "Veteran" 
Yogyakarta, followed by a D.E.A. and PhD in Applied Sedimentology from the Institute 
Dolomieu, Grenoble.  Pak Abdul started his career in the oil patch in 1977 as an 
Assistant Geologist in the Exploration Division of Lemigas, followed by a posting as 
Head of Laboratories, Sedimentology.  In 1979, Pak Abdul was seconded into LBSU (a 
Joint Services Unit between Lemigas and Robertson Research Singapore) as a 
sedimentologist.  A scholarship to France in 1981 lead to a Doctorate in Sedimentology 
in 1985.  From the mid 80's until the mid-90's Pak Abdul was Head of the Lemigas 
Geological Services Unit, which was followed by a secondment to the OPEC Secretariat 
from 1994 until 2002.
Pak Abdul has published several papers on the sedimentology and Reservoir Geology from 
the Java Sea to the l'tude du Bassin Tertiaire de Barreme.  He is a member of the IPA, 


Suggestions and volunteers for talks are always welcome. Topics should be relevant to 
exploration and production in Indonesia and/or be of interest to a wide range of 
Please contact the Luncheon Talks Chairman, Peter Butterworth, at VICO Indonesia, 
phone 5236018, e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED] and/or [EMAIL PROTECTED]

COST : Rp. 125.000,00 (IPA Prof. Div. Member) or Rp. 145.000,00 (Non IPA Prof. Div. 
Member) excluding drinks, payable at the entrance of the Ballroom; payment in cash is 

 ·            Reservations and cancellations will be accepted until 15:30 hours on 
Wednesday, February 18, 2004. Phones: 572.4284-4286; fax: 572.4259; e-mail: [EMAIL 

 ·            No reservations and cancellations will be accepted after this time.

·         Members of the Ikatan Ahli Geologi Indonesia (IAGI), Himpunan Ahli Geofisika 
Indonesia  (HAGI) and Ikatan Ahli Teknik Perminyakan Indonesia (IATMI) are welcome.


IPA Events:

30th Annual IPA Convention & Exhibition (March 15-17, 2005) at Jakarta Convention 

Convention Theme: TBA

Technical Symposium "Deepwater and Frontier Exploration in Asia and Australasia"

December 7-8, 2004 - Jakarta

Summary of E&P 2003 (February 19, 2004) at Jakarta Hilton International

Corrosion and Its Control in Oil & Gas Production (Yves Gunaltun) March 8-9, 2004 at 
Shangrila Hotel - Jakarta

Wireline Formation Test Interpretation (Dr. Andrew Chen) March 29-April 2, 2004

Seismic Inversion & AVO Analysis for Reservoir Characterization (Dr. Sigit Sukmono) 
May 24-28, 2004 at Bandung

Practical Project Appraisal and Business Decision Analysis in Petroleum Exploration & 
Production (Dr. H.L. Ong) July 2004 at Bandung

3-D Seismic Interpretation Techniques (Alistair Brown) August 9-13, 2004 at Bali

Geological and Petrophysical Log Analysis (Dr. John H. Doveton) September 6-10, 2004

Seismic Reservoir Analysis (Dr. Sigit Sukmono) December 6-10, 2004 at Bali

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