rusdi yanto <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, member of physics_ui berkata : -------------------------------------------------------------------------
Berita ini saya dapat dari ' Borneo Bulletin', hari Sabtu 23 Oktober 2004. RY ----- Universiti Brunei Darussalam TOTAL E&P DEEP WATER BORNEO SCHOLARSHIP Three Scholarships have been established for the full-time PHD programme in PETROLEUM GEOSCIENCE at Universiti Brunei Darussalam. The Scholarships are tenable for three calender years and are open to all although preference will be given to applicants from ASEAN member countries. Applicants must have a Master's degree or an Upper Second class degree or equivalent in GEOLOGY OR GEOPHYSICS or a relevant discipline of UNIVERSITY BRUNEI Darussalam or another university/institution recognized by University Senate. They should alsi submit evidence of adequate training and ability to undertake the proposed programme. Applications must be made on prescribed Applicants Forms obtainable from and returned to the following by 15th November 2004. The Registrar and Secretary Universiti Brunei Darussalam Jalan Tunku Link, Gadong BE 1410 BRUNEI DARUSSALAM Attn: Admissions and Student Records Section Tel: 673-2463001 Ext. 1194 or 1195 Fax: 673-2461003 or 673-2460062 e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED] application Forms are also obtainable from: The Office of Brunei Darussalam Embassy/High Commission in the capitals of ASEAN members countries Further information is obtainable from the Department of Petroleum Geoscience, Faculty of Science, University Brunei Darussalam. Tel. 673-2463001 ext 1391 or 1367 or 673-2463051 Fax: 673-2961502 E-MAIL : [EMAIL PROTECTED] -- my blog : --------------------------------------------------------------------- To unsubscribe, send email to: [EMAIL PROTECTED] Visit IAGI Website: IAGI-net Archive 1: IAGI-net Archive 2: Komisi Sedimentologi (FOSI) : F. Hasan Sidi([EMAIL PROTECTED])- Komisi SDM/Pendidikan : Edy Sunardi([EMAIL PROTECTED]) Komisi Karst : Hanang Samodra([EMAIL PROTECTED]) Komisi Sertifikasi : M. Suryowibowo([EMAIL PROTECTED]) Komisi OTODA : Ridwan Djamaluddin([EMAIL PROTECTED] atau [EMAIL PROTECTED]), Arif Zardi Dahlius([EMAIL PROTECTED]) Komisi Database Geologi : Aria A. Mulhadiono([EMAIL PROTECTED]) ---------------------------------------------------------------------