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>-----Original Message-----
>From: Pranoto, Imanuel W 
>Sent: Wednesday, February 02, 2005 4:19 PM
>Subject: RE: [iagi-net-l] Re: Paleo-Tsunami
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>>-----Original Message-----
>>Sent: Wednesday, February 02, 2005 2:05 PM
>>Subject: [iagi-net-l] Re: Paleo-Tsunami
>>Kira-kira di P . Jawa ada tidak singkapannya?
>>(62-542)-534283 - (62)-811592277
>>Dieter Kelletat
>>Anja Scheffers
>>Geographical Department, University of Duisburg-Essen 
>>D-45141 Essen, Germany
>>Along the Australian coastline leaf- or blade-like chevrons appear at 
>>many places, sometimes similar to parabolic coastal dunes, but often 
>>with unusual shapes including curvatures or angles to the coastline. 
>>They also occur at places without sandy beaches as source areas, and 
>>may be truncated by younger beach ridges. Their dimensions reach 
>>several kilometers inland and altitudes of more than 100 m. 
>>development proves an older age. Judging by the shapes of the 
>>at some places, at least two generations of these forms can be 
>>identified. This paper discusses the distribution patterns of 
>>(in particular for West Australia), their various 
>appearances, and the 
>>possible genesis of these deposits, based mostly on the 
>>of aerial photographs.
>>Science of Tsunami Hazards, Volume 21, Number 3, page 174
>>(2003) 1. INTRODUCTION The systematic monitoring of tsunami 
>during the 
>>last decades has shown that they are certainly not low frequency 
>>events: on average, about ten events have been detected every 
>year ? or 
>>more than 1000 during the last century (Fig. 1, NGDC, 2001) ? many of 
>>which were powerful enough to leave imprints in the 
>geological record. 
>>Focusing only on the catastrophic events, we find for the last 400 
>>years (Fig. 2, NGDC, 2001) that 92 instances with run up of more than 
>>10 m have occurred,
>>39 instances with more than 20 m, and 14 with more than 50 m, or ? 
>>statistically and without
>>counting the Lituya Bay events ? one every 9 years with more 
>than 20 m 
>>run up worldwide.
>>Considering at least 300,000 years of a high sea level during the 
>>Pleistocene epoch of more than
>>2 Mio. years, and assuming that the frequency of strong tsunami for 
>>those times was about the same as during the last centuries, the 
>>world's coastlines have been hit by about 30,000 tsunami with run up 
>>heights of more than 20 m during high sea levels of the Quaternary ? 
>>and we know nearly nothing about their contribution to 
>coastal forming. 
>>Strikingly, so far no systematic investigation of tsunami or 
>>paleo-tsunami imprints exists, and nearly all of their traces 
>have been 
>>detected coincidentally. On the other hand, many attempts to prove 
>>historically documented mega events by finding their 
>geological traces 
>>have failed. With this background in mind and referring to 
>the state of 
>>the art of tsunami field evidences, we will discuss chevron 
>forms along 
>>the Australian coastline with regard to their suitability as 
>>paleo-tsunami indicators, particularly because we urgently need more 
>>reliable indicators for tsunami events in the landscape. This 
>>regional-scale study for West Australia is based on aerial photograph 
>>interpretation. The aim is to differentiate the entire spectrum of 
>>morphological types of chevrons in different coastal environments 
>>covering a wide range of latitudes and deduce indicators of their age 
>>and genesis.
>>However, this remote sensing
>>approach has to be completed with a detailed sediment analyses and 
>>absolute dating techniques.
>>During the last years, several coastal forms and deposits have been 
>>identified that could be related to formerly unknown paleo-tsunami 
>>(Bryant et al., 1996; Bryant, 2001; Mastronuzzi & Sanso, 
>2001; Kelletat 
>>& Schellmann, 2002; Scheffers, 2002, and others). On the one hand, 
>>there are huge dislocated boulders or groups of boulders appearing as 
>>significant landscape marks and as evidences for extremely high 
>>transport energies, and on the other hand, there may be Fig. 1:
>>Number of registered
>>tsunami per century from
>>about 2000 BC (NGDC,
>>Science of Tsunami Hazards, Volume 21, Number 3, page 175
>>(2003) smaller forms of rock sculpturing due to very strong tsunami 
>>currents, the latter, in particular, differentiated by Bryant (2001). 
>>But for even the largest dislocated coastal boulders (of more 
>than 1000 
>>t), some authors (Talandier & Bourrouilh-Le-Jan, 1988, for the 
>>Tuamotu-Archipelago, or Hearty et al., 1998, for the Bahamas) 
>prefer to 
>>believe that their genesis is caused by storm impact rather than 
>>The chevrons (large sandy coastal deposits discussed in this paper), 
>>however, have not been proven in detail to be of tsunamigenic origin. 
>>To date, they have been mentioned in only a few papers 
>(Bryant et al., 
>>1997; Bryant, 2001; Bryant & Nott, 2001, and Hearty et al., 1998, 
>>Kindler & Strasser, 2000), and for only two regions 
>(Australia and the 
>>Whereas the Australian examples have been described as tsunamigenic 
>>(from the Younger Holocene), the Bahamian features have been 
>related to 
>>catastrophic storms from the last interglacial.
>>The intention of this study is to discuss whether the so-called 
>>chevrons may have a much wider distribution, and whether they may be 
>>clues for extreme tsunami impacts in a very extended area 
>that have not 
>>yet been described.
>>Fig. 2: High run up values during the last 400 years (NGDC, 2001).
>>Science of Tsunami Hazards, Volume 21, Number 3, page 176
>>(2003) 2. CHEVRONS: DEFINITION, CHARACTER AND AGE According to Hearty 
>>et al. (1998) chevrons are "v-shaped, sublinear to parabolic, 
>>depositional landforms", containing "beach fenestrae" and other 
>>"water-made structures."
>>On the Bahamas, where they can appear along 700 km of coastline, they 
>>are made by "many waves acting over a short time interval" or 
>>"organized sets of large waves." Their average size there is 
>3 km long 
>>(max. 10 km!), a third of this as width, their ridges or 
>ribbons may be 
>>20 to 100 m wide, and they have a relative height of 8 to 25 
>m (max. 40 
>>m) with the highest section in the distal parts. A central elongated 
>>depression is normally enclosed by the ridges. The chevrons 
>are mostly 
>>sandy, but may contain pebble beds and clasts, often from aeolianite 
>>(on the Bahamas).
>>They may be accompanied by huge boulders of up to 2000 t at 11 m asl. 
>>and 500 m distant to the shoreline, and have been dated on the last 
>>interglacial oxygen-isotope substage 5e at around 123,000 ± 5000 BP. 
>>The depositional forces should be extreme storms developed during a 
>>significant climatic revolution at the end of isotope substage 5e 
>>(Hearty et al., 1998). The genesis of chevrons as water made 
>>structures, however, is still under debate.
>>Kindler & Strasser (2000), who
>>did not know of the 2000 t boulders accompanied with the Bahamian 
>>chevrons and did not find clasts in these features, interpret 
>the forms 
>>as parabolic dunes from a lower sea level of isotope substage 5e in a 
>>phase of a dryer climate, and interpret the beach fenestrae 
>in them as 
>>made by heavy rain.
>>Bryant et al. (1997), Bryant & Nott (2001), and Bryant (2001) 
>>chevrons from SE- and W-Australia up to 30 km inland and 130 m high. 
>>They are often mapped as coastal dunes, because they 
>sometimes resemble 
>>parabolic aeolian accumulations, but they may contain shell, clasts, 
>>and well rounded cobbles. At least in one place in West 
>Australia, they 
>>have been dated to 1080 AD.
>>Bryant (2001) and Bryant & Nott (2001), chevrons occur at 
>Jervis Bay in 
>>New South Wales and around Point Samson near Port Hedland in 
>the NW of 
>>West Australia.
>>In this section we will describe and interpret the very extended 
>>chevron distribution along Australia's coastlines on the basis of 
>>selected aerial photographs and topographic maps.
>>Although sediment analysis has yet not been done, the various shapes, 
>>their relation to other coastal forms, their evidently older 
>>their relation to the modern dominant wind patterns or to 
>ancient dune 
>>systems, can be discussed, and some general conclusions regarding the 
>>age and forming processes can be given. None of the regions mentioned 
>>below have ever been analyzed regarding a tsunamigenic source of the 
>>chevron forms and sediments. Because of the extreme extent of 
>>Australia's coastline, the analysis presented in this paper has a lot 
>>of regional gaps, of course.
>>3.1 Northern Territory
>>In the Roper River district near the mouth of the Rose river 
>(i.e., the 
>>western section of the Gulf of Carpentaria) along a coastal 
>stretch of 
>>at least 40 km, chevrons are developed in a low Science of Tsunami 
>>Hazards, Volume 21, Number 3, page 177
>>(2003) coastal landscape. Their length may exceed 3 km, their 
>>at least
>>33 m. Their axis is 135°-
>>140°, which describes the direction of the forming forces. 
>The chevrons 
>>are inactive and densely vegetated, evidently older than a 
>beach ridge 
>>system that truncates their seaward basal parts.
>>3.2 Queensland (Fig. 3)
>>In the Cape Melville area (about 90 km SW of the cape) south of the 
>>mouth of the Jeannie River, a set of chevrons has developed along at 
>>least 10 km of coastline, formed from the SE (about 160°). All are 
>>inactive and densely vegetated. They start at beaches, as 
>well as along 
>>low coastlines without sand. Clearly distinguishable are two 
>>types of
>>chevrons: an older one, hard to identify on aerial photographs, of up 
>>to 5 km in length, broad and partly eroded, and a strip of 
>younger ones 
>>with clear contours, about 1 km inland, that are decorated by coastal 
>>swamps formed by the blocking of the run-off from the coastal plains.
>>Fig. 3:
>>Two generations of chevrons near
>>the mouth of the Jeannie River, SW
>>of Cape Melville, Queensland.
>>3.3 Victoria
>>Possible chevrons at Cape Bridgewater near Portland, extending across 
>>the broad tombolo of this cape, accumulated from the west, densely 
>>vegetated. Nearly 4 km long and up to 20 m high.
>>Science of Tsunami Hazards, Volume 21, Number 3, page 178 (2003)
>>3.4 West Australia (along the south coast from E to W, and along the 
>>west coast from S to N)
>>a) Cape Arid National Park:
>>Along the bays W and E of the southernmost cape in the National Park, 
>>chevrons have accumulated from WSW, up to 6 km inland, and 40 to 60 m 
>>high in the western section. Vegetated, but the sand is partly 
>>mobilized again by strong winds.
>>b) Albany and environs (Fig. 4):
>>In the east and, in particular, to the west of Albany, the bays are 
>>decorated by leaf-like or lanceolate deposits along more than 30 km, 
>>extending inland for more than
>>3 km, some parts with
>>heights of more than 100 m. They even appear on rocky headlands and 
>>along coastal sections without beaches or other sources of sandy 
>>material. Their general elongation is SSW to NNE, but in some places 
>>they start at the coastline from the south, bending to the east and 
>>back again to NE. This produces a flame-like form. Their 
>outer contours 
>>are sharply marked, but in places, younger sand drift masks the 
>>contours. The chevrons are covered by vegetation including bushes and 
>>small trees, pointing to an active phase longer ago (at least 
>>centuries). Around headlands, clear refraction patterns of 
>the chevrons 
>>can be detected. Another typical aspect in the Albany region is an 
>>exactly parallel inner pattern of smaller chevrons, repeated 
>up to five 
>>times within the larger form, producing an overall, swash-like shape 
>>(Fig. 5).
>>Fig. 4: Extended chevrons near Albany with refraction patterns around 
>>headlands, curvatures, and well developed, even along rocky 
>>Science of Tsunami Hazards, Volume 21, Number 3, page 179
>>(2003) Fig. 5:
>>Chevrons enclosed within larger forms from the Albany and 
>Walpole area.
>>Fig. 6:
>>Refraction and curvatures of chevrons, and their development, even 
>>along cliff shorelines near Walpole.
>>Science of Tsunami Hazards, Volume 21, Number 3, page 180
>>(2003) Fig. 7: The Cape Leeuwin Peninsula is widely decorated 
>by large 
>>chevrons from the west.
>>c) Irwin Inlet, about 6 km S of Walpole (Fig. 6):
>>Chevrons on both sides of the inlet, from SW and WSW, up to 5 
>km inland 
>>and up to 150 m high. Mostly along a rocky shoreline, from about 
>>250°-260°, vegetated, with refraction patterns around headlands.
>>d) Northcliffe:
>>Chevrons at least 7 km long, some
>>more than 100 m high, mostly along a
>>steeper coast or cliffs without beaches, vegetated, from the west 
>>e) White Point E Augusta:
>>This bay E of Augusta near Cape
>>Leeuwin is decorated by chevrons along
>>its entire length of >30 km, in the eastern part around 2 km 
>inland, in 
>>the western part up to 3 km, with heights of 30 to 40 m. Along the 
>>eastern part of the bay, chevrons top cliff sections, in the western 
>>part they start along beaches. Their long axis changes from 
>WSW in the 
>>east to S to SSE in the west, showing a clear refraction pattern that 
>>does not correspond to the main wind directions. Despite some active 
>>blowouts, the chevrons are inactive forms again.
>>f) Cape Leeuwin area (Fig. 7):
>>The rocky western coast of this cape shows chevrons extending
>>4 km inland from the west.
>>To the north, they bend a little toward 280°-290°. Their height is 
>>about 40 m to more than 100 m asl.. Some of the chevrons 
>widen to their 
>>distal parts, giving the shape of oak leaves. Characteristic are gaps 
>>in the chevron formation, which are not orientated to headlands or 
>>rocky shores.
>>g) Bunbury:
>>Smaller chevrons along sandy beaches, but inactive and covered by 
>>vegetation, reaching about 1 km inland and mostly 20 to 30 m high.
>>Science of Tsunami Hazards, Volume 21, Number 3, page 181 (2003)
>>h) Mandurah/Pinjarra:
>>Shorter chevrons (about 1 km in length), extending at least 
>30 km along 
>>sandy beaches, formed from westerly directions, partly destroyed by 
>>younger drifting sands, vegetated, heights up to 40 m. Their coastal 
>>sections may be truncated by younger beach ridge sequences (Fig. 8).
>>i) North of Perth (Fig. 9):
>>Chevrons up to 5 km inland, from the west, along at least 60 km of 
>>narrow beaches, highest around 40 m, from about 250°-270°. 
>Older forms 
>>further inland are mostly destroyed, and a younger set is clearly 
>>marked in spite of vegetation cover. In contrast to other areas, the 
>>chevrons show an "oak leaf" appearance.
>>j) Beagle Island N Perth:
>>Steep coast with small beaches. Chevrons several kilometers 
>long and 30 
>>m high, from 190°-200°, i.e., in a small angle to the coastline. Here 
>>they resemble inactive parabolic coastal dunes.
>>k) Dongara S Geraldton:
>>The chevrons accompany a low cliff for about 30 km directly north of 
>>Dongara, further north they follow a narrow beach, reaching 2 km 
>>inland, mostly 20 m high, max. 60 m, formed from the south 
>>In the southern portion, they resemble inactive parabolic dunes.
>>l) Geraldton:
>>North and south of the town, chevrons have been formed from southerly 
>>directions (180°-190°, i.e., in an angle to the coastline), 
>partly with 
>>drifting sand, up to 40 m high and less than 2 km long.
>>m) Edel, Tamala and Denham:
>>West of Shark Bay, chevrons decorate the outer peninsulas, crossing 
>>them for several kilometers, but are never developed on peninsulas 
>>protected from the open ocean. Up to 80 m high, forms are 
>very similar 
>>to terrestrial elongated and parabolic dunes. Formed directly 
>from the 
>>Fig. 8: Although fine sediments are available, chevron 
>development was 
>>followed by beach ridge formation during the Younger Holocene near 
>>Mandurah and Pinjarra south of Perth.
>>Fig. 9: Many chevrons north of Perth show an oak leaf appearance.
>>Science of Tsunami Hazards, Volume 21, Number 3, page 182 (2003)
>>n) Carnavon:
>>North of the town, broad beach ridges with remnants of older and 
>>truncated chevrons behind, changing about 18 km north of the 
>town into 
>>parabolic forms directly contacting the beaches.
>>Length is about 1 to 3 km, height 10 to 28 m.
>>o) Quobba (Fig. 10):
>>Around Red Bluff, about 40 km N of Point Quobba, chevrons from 
>>190°-200°, at Point Quobba more towards 180°, i.e., parallel to the 
>>coastline. It seems that they continue inland in a field of parabolic 
>>and elongated older dunes.
>>Chevrons some kilometers long, on top of cliffs, some more than 100 m 
>>p) Ningaloo (Fig. 11):
>>Similar appearance to point Quobba: from the south (180°-210°), some 
>>kilometers long, changing into a parabolic dune field inland, height 
>>more than 20 m. Partly active blowouts and sand drift. The 
>chevrons may 
>>partly cover a system of small beach ridges.
>>Fig. 10: Chevrons near Point Quobba are very similar to parabolic 
>>Fig. 11: Chevrons close to the Ningaloo reef may originate along 
>>beaches or cliff lines, and partly cover older Holocene beach ridge 
>>Based on the distribution patterns of the chevrons, their orientation 
>>to the coastlines, their relation to other coastal forms (such as 
>>cliffs, headlands, or beach ridges), the source of loose material (in 
>>particular sand), geomorphic aspects, freshness of forms, and 
>>vegetation cover, it is possible to draw some general conclusions:
>>Science of Tsunami Hazards, Volume 21, Number 3, page 183 (2003)
>>a) Chevrons of one to several kilometers in length and 
>heights of 10 m 
>>to more than 120 m are distributed around the coastline of Australia 
>>(i.e., Gulf of Carpentaria, Cape York Peninsula, New South 
>Wales, south 
>>and west coast of West Australia), with a clear dominance in the west 
>>of the continent.
>>b) Chevrons may be formed perpendicular to-, parallel to-, or 
>in angles 
>>to the coastline.
>>c) They usually have a straight axis, but at some places they 
>can bend 
>>in two directions and change their main direction by up to 
>90° (Fig. 5 
>>and 12).
>>Fig. 11:
>>Chevrons close to the Ningaloo reef may originate along beaches or 
>>cliff lines, and partly cover older Holocene beach ridge systems.
>>d) Their outer contours are relatively sharply marked, 
>particularly the 
>>parts that are furthest inland. These parts may be the highest.
>>e) Chevrons continue from the coastline to heights of more 
>than 120 m, 
>>even in a rocky environment without sandy sources.
>>The forming forces have been strong enough to reach several 
>>inland, as well as high up on steep slopes.
>>f) Many chevron formations show simple contours (i.e., only single 
>>ribbons or ridges framing a central depression), but others 
>have up to 
>>five enclosed ridges that are smaller but strongly parallel (Fig. 5). 
>>This is due to several waves, not to several forming generations 
>>differing in time.
>>Science of Tsunami Hazards, Volume 21, Number 3, page 184 (2003)
>>g) Most chevrons are narrower to their landward side (Fig. 
>>12), but some widen inland, resembling oak leaves (Fig. 9).
>>h) The chevrons have a swash-like appearance that differs 
>from that of 
>>coastal dunes. Typically, chevron formations can have smaller gaps 
>>without chevrons, and this appearance differs markedly from 
>>with shifting dunes (which do not have such gaps).
>>i) Along curved beaches in rounded bays, the direction of the chevron 
>>axis may change, corresponding to the normal wave approach in bays, 
>>which is always perpendicular to the beaches.
>>j) On opposing sides of a headland, the chevrons may have different 
>>directions due to refraction.
>>k) The sources for the chevron material may be beaches, but chevrons 
>>also occur often at locations where there is no beach, but instead, 
>>cliffs or steeper coastal slopes. At these locations the material can 
>>only derive from the foreshore environments.
>>l) All chevrons are inactive forms, covered by vegetation and soil, 
>>even in the dry western environments. Their relation to the active 
>>coastline, however, proves their Holocene maximum age.
>>m) In some regions, at least two generations of Holocene chevrons can 
>>be detected. The older, landward chevrons are much more eroded and 
>>often difficult to detect on aerial photographs (Fig. 3).
>>n) An older Holocene age is shown by the existence of sequences of 
>>younger beach ridges seaward of the chevrons, which have destroyed or 
>>reworked the chevron's basal parts (Fig.8). At other places, chevrons 
>>have covered older Holocene beach ridge patterns.
>>o) Areas of chevron development are sometimes not suitable 
>for coastal 
>>dunes because of the lack of sand, the presence of mangrove 
>fringes or 
>>other dense coastal vegetation (Fig. 3 and North Queensland), or 
>>seaward dominant wind directions.
>>p) Because of their similar appearance and clearness of form, 
>at least 
>>the younger chevron generation along the south and west coast of West 
>>Australia seems to be from the same event at least some 100 
>years ago. 
>>This is in contradiction to an origin as coastal dunes, because they 
>>developed successively over a longer time.
>>q) The direction of the chevrons in some places coincides with 
>>predominant regional winds or the fossil dune patterns of terrestrial 
>>Australia (see Fig. 13), but in other places, this is not the case.
>>r) All chevron patterns can be explained by one or two 
>extreme tsunami.
>>For West Australia,
>>the source of the tsunami cannot be Réunion Island with the 
>collapse of 
>>the Píton de la Fournaise volcano in 4200 BP (see Labazuy, 1996), 
>>because from this distance, the wave pattern should be more or less 
>>parallel from the west along the entire coastline. At the southern 
>>coast, however, waves from west to southwest with a 
>refraction pattern 
>>to southerly directions appear around Cape Leeuwin, along the central 
>>western coast the dominant direction is west, and in the 
>northern parts 
>>of West Australia they change to the southerly direction. This can be 
>>explained by a tsunami source at a nearer distance (e.g., 
>about 1000 km 
>>to reach coastlines along more than 2000 km of the continent) 
>near the 
>>latitude of Perth (see Fig. 14).
>>The origin may be a large submarine slide or a meteorite.
>>s) There are evidences that West Australia (and other coasts such as 
>>northern Queensland or New South Wales) have been affected by 
>>strong tsunami in the past. They have transported sand, shell, and 
>>cobble up to 30 km inland, and up to 60 m, or even 130 m, in height 
>>Science of Tsunami Hazards, Volume 21, Number 3, page 185 (2003) 
>>(Bryant et al., 1997; Bryant & Nott, 2001, Bryant, 2001), and have 
>>decorated several places along the coastline (Quobba, Cape 
>Leveque, New 
>>South Wales, etc.) with large boulder fields > 30 m asl..
>>Fig. 13: Direction of chevron axes, fossil dune patterns, and modern 
>>wind systems.
>>Of course, the hypothesis that chevrons are swash forms from tsunami 
>>must be proven in the field with more evidence than is known 
>today, in 
>>particular, by analyzing their sediments and by dating. On the other 
>>hand, it would be difficult to explain all of the chevrons presented 
>>here as coastal dunes, because to do so would require a rather 
>>complicated evolutionary history consisting of at least:
>>Science of Tsunami Hazards, Volume 21, Number 3, page 186 (2003)
>>a) A first phase of coastal dune development during the 
>middle Holocene 
>>with a sea level lower than today's to expose sand for blow out in 
>>foreshore regions of modern cliffs and submerging slopes, and with a 
>>wind pattern different from today's.
>>b) A phase without coastal dune development for several 
>thousand years, 
>>but with beach ridge formation at places where sand was available.
>>c) A second phase of coastal dune development, rather short, 
>about 1000 
>>years ago, again with a lower sea level to mobilize fine 
>sediments from 
>>foreshore regions, and again with a wind pattern different from 
>>d) No significant coastal dune development for the last 
>several hundred 
>>years, and the establishment of the modern coastal wind systems.
>>Obviously, this evolutionary history contradicts ? besides other 
>>evidences ? the sea level curve for the Younger Holocene as has been 
>>developed by our Australian colleagues.
>>There can be no doubt that the chevrons along the Australian 
>>are special forms worthy to be investigated more intensively. What 
>>should be done in the near future is to investigate whether these 
>>chevrons contain sediments too coarse for aeolian transport, and to 
>>find out, by more radiocarbon dating, whether they were really 
>>accumulated during the same event. If their genesis from 
>giant tsunami 
>>can be confirmed, we have a new instrument for identifying these 
>>impacts along other coastlines of the world.
>>Fig. 14: Possible origin of the West Australian chevrons: not 
>from the 
>>distant Réunion volcanic collapse, but from a nearer 
>submarine slide or 
>>meteor impact.
>>Bryant, E., 2001. Tsunami. The Underrated Hazard. Cambridge 
>>Bryant, E.A., Nott, J., 2001. Geological indicators of large tsunamis 
>>in Australia. Natural Hazards
>>24 (3), 231?249.
>>Bryant, E., Young, R.W., Price, D.M., 1996. Tsunamis as a 
>Major Control 
>>in Coastal Evolution, Southeastern Australia.
>>Journal of Coastal Research 12 (4), 831?840.
>>Bryant, E. A., Young, R.W., Price, D.M., Wheeler, D.J., 1997. 
>>The impact of tsunamis on the coastline of Jervis Bay, Southeastern 
>>Australia. Physical Geography 18 (5), 440?459.
>>Hearty, P.J., Neumann, A.C., Kaufman, D.S., 1998. Chevron Ridges and 
>>Runup Deposits from Storms in the Bahamas Late in Oxygen-Isotope 
>>Substage 5e. Quaternary Research 50, 309?
>>Kelletat, D., Schellmann, G., 2002. Tsunamis on Cyprus: field 
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>>Zeitschrift für Geomorphologie NF 46 (1), 19?34.
>>Kindler, P., Strasser, A., 2000. Paleoclimatic significance of 
>>co-occurring wind- and water-induced sedimentary structures in the 
>>last-interglacial coastal deposits from Bermuda and the Bahamas.
>>Sedimentary Geology 131, 1?7.
>>Labazuy, P., 1996. Recurrent landslide events on the 
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>>Píton de la Fournaise (Réunion Islands). in: McGuire, W.J., Jonas, 
>>A.P., Neuberg, J., (eds.).
>>Volcano instability on the
>>earth and other planets. Geological Society of London Special 
>>Publication 110, 295?306.
>>Mastronuzzi, G., Sanso, P., 2000. Boulder transport by catastrophic 
>>waves along the Ionian coast of Apulia (southern Italy). 
>Marine Geology 
>>170, 93?103.
>>NGDC ? National Geophysical Data Center, 2001. Tsunami Data at NGDC. 
>>Scheffers, A., 2002. Paleo-Tsunamis in the Caribbean: Field Evidences 
>>and Datings from Aruba, Curacao and Bonaire. Essener Geographische 
>>Arbeiten 33, Essen, 185 pp.
>>Talandier, J., Bourrouilh-Le-Jan, F., 1988. High Energy Sedimentation 
>>in French Polynesia: Cyclone or Tsunami?. in:
>>El-Sabh, M.I., Murty, T.S., (eds.). Natural and Man-Made Hazards. 
>>Dordrecht, Reidel Publishers, 193?199.
>>Science of Tsunami Hazards, Volume 21, Number 3, Page 188 (2003)
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>Arif Zardi Dahlius([EMAIL PROTECTED]) Komisi Database 
>Geologi : Aria A. Mulhadiono([EMAIL PROTECTED])

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Komisi Sedimentologi (FOSI) : Deddy Sebayang([EMAIL 
Komisi SDM/Pendidikan : Edy Sunardi([EMAIL PROTECTED])
Komisi Karst : Hanang Samodra([EMAIL PROTECTED])
Komisi Sertifikasi : M. Suryowibowo([EMAIL PROTECTED])
Komisi OTODA : Ridwan Djamaluddin([EMAIL PROTECTED] atau [EMAIL PROTECTED]), 
Arif Zardi Dahlius([EMAIL PROTECTED])
Komisi Database Geologi : Aria A. Mulhadiono([EMAIL PROTECTED])

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