Pak Riyadi dan eks kolega saya di KPC,
Terima kasih atas sharing informasinya, namun ada satu yang terlewat kira2 ke lab. mana sample tsb harus saya kirim ? (point pertanyaan No. 3 saya).
----- Original Message ----- From: "Riyadi, Slamet S" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: <>
Sent: Thursday, December 22, 2005 8:46 AM
Subject: RE: [iagi-net-l] AMD Issue

Maksudnya Acid Mine Drainage?
Walupun pertanyaan ditujukan spesifik buat orang KPC, mungkin saya bisa
membantu ya?

Ini saya "copy paste" saja ya?

Scope of target AMD study:
1. Rock samples analysis (static test):
* Total sulphur contents
* Acid Neutralizing Capacity/ANC
* Net Acid generating (NAG test)
* Minerals content especially for PAF (Potential Acid Forming)
* Determining the Maximum Potential Acidity (MPA)
* Determining the Net Acid Producing Potential (NAPP)
* Weight of each samples - 1 kg
2. Potential AMD analysis - classification of NAF (Non Acid
Forming) and PAF (Potential Acid Forming) materials
3. AMD impacts assessment and mitigations strategies for AMDAL
purpose (ANDAL, RKL and RPL).

Samples were collected from the base of the weathered zone (grey shale)
to at least 0.5m below the expected pit floor i.e. below the lowest
Samples and data required from site:
* Minimum from 2 drill holes
* Fresh core samples and immediately to be conservation (by
"plastic warp" in order to avoid the samples direct contact with air and
sunshine) in order to not oxidizing.
* Number samples depending number of materials/rock types that
determined based on the lithology of each drill holes. Approximately 20
samples would be taken from two drill holes (10 samples per holes).
* Priority - samples taken from overburden and inter-burden based
on the lithology of each drill hole sampled as follows:
* Immediate roof and immediate floor or each seams include the
bottom seam that will be mined
* Carbonaceous clay/shale
* Clay
* Sand/siltstone
* Weigh of each samples - 1 kg



-----Original Message-----
From: Yan Adriansyah [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Thursday, December 22, 2005 8:02 AM
Subject: [iagi-net-l] AMD Issue

Dear Bapak-Ibu,
Barangkali ada yang bisa memberikan sharing informasi mengenai AMD,
informasi yang kami perlukan adalah :
1. Teknik sampling: coring atau open hole, interval, kedalaman dan jenis

litologi apa yang berpotensi menjadi PAF, apakah sampling harus mencapai

hingga final pit bottom elevation ?.
2. Penempatan material PAF ini dalam area dumping/disposal.
3. Kemana harus saya kirim sample ini untuk dianalisis, maklum company
tidak memiliki lab. yang support utk pekerjaan ini seperti halnya yang
di KPC.
4. Spasi drilling sehingga coverage area yang kita ambil sample-nya
memadai untuk analisis ini.
Sebagai gambaran bahwa dip lapisan di area tambang kami bervariasi
30 - 50 degree dengan jenis litologi sandstone, mudstone dan tentunya
Semoga para sesepuh AMD di KPC bisa memberikan pencerahan untuk hal ini.
Demikian dan terima kasih

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