Mbak Yuriza,

Pengalaman saya mesan buku di SEG gak begitu sulit, pesan saja via website-nya dan minta pakai kiriman khusus, biasanya 2-4 minggu sudah sampai. Saya biasanya minta dikirim ke alamat kantor, jadi tukang pos gampang nyari alamatnya.


At 07:39 AM 5/15/2007, you wrote:
Makasih banyak Leo,

Gimana caranya dapat buku 'Insight and Methods for 4D Reservoir Monitoring
and Characterization' karangan Rodney Calvert ?.
Buku ini ada di bookshopnya SEG. Tapi ngordernya kan susah tuh, apakah SEG
punya cabang di Jakarta atau Singapore ?.
Makasih Leo atas informasinya.


             <[EMAIL PROTECTED]                                          To
   >                <>
             05/14/2007 06:47
             PM                                                    Subject
                                       RE: [iagi-net-l] Tanya Course
                                       Notenya Thomsen
             Please respond to
             <[EMAIL PROTECTED]

Mbak Yuriza,

Nanti besok saya tanya ke sekretariat IPA. Kalau gak ada, saya akan coba
usahakan untuk bisa dipinjamkan temporer.


-----Original Message-----
Sent: Monday, May 14, 2007 7:51 AM
Subject: [iagi-net-l] Tanya Course Notenya Thomsen

Punten rekan ..... mau numpang nanya ke pak Leo Lisapaly......


Masih punya SEG course notenya Anisotropy Thomsen waktu JKT-SEG 2006  itu
nggak ?.
Punyaku hilang euy ..... sedih banget euy .... nggak tau ketinggalan dimana
Kalau mau beli lagi dimana ya yang bisa dapet cepet .....  ?. Atau boleh
pinjam nggak, sebulan aja ....
Apakah SEG buka kios di IPA exhibition ini ?.
Makasih atas sarannya ....


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CALL FOR PAPERS: send your abstract by 30 March 2007 to
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Hot News!!!
CALL FOR PAPERS: send your abstract by 30 March 2007 to
Joint Convention Bali 2007 - The 32nd HAGI, the 36th IAGI, and the
29th IATMI Annual Convention and Exhibition,
Bali Convention Center, 13-16 November 2007

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Joint Convention Bali 2007 - The 32nd HAGI, the 36th IAGI, and the
29th IATMI Annual Convention and Exhibition,
Bali Convention Center, 13-16 November 2007
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Hot News!!!
CALL FOR PAPERS: send your abstract by 30 March 2007 to [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Joint Convention Bali 2007 - The 32nd HAGI, the 36th IAGI, and the
29th IATMI Annual Convention and Exhibition,
Bali Convention Center, 13-16 November 2007
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No. Rek: 123 0085005314
Atas nama: Ikatan Ahli Geologi Indonesia (IAGI)
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