Waduh, cilaka ... broker-broker akan berpesta pora...more demand than 
supply...let's jack the price up :((

-----Original Message-----
From: Rovicky Dwi Putrohari [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Monday, March 17, 2008 5:10 PM
To: iagi-net@iagi.or.id; Forum Himpunan Ahli Geofisika Indonesia; serba-kl; 
migas indonesia
Subject: [iagi-net-l] Shell 'to cut oil reserves figures'

Setelah tahun 2004 memotong cukup besar reservenya Shell menurunkan lagi 
perhitungan totl cadangannya Tapi bukan cuman karena "mercon Gong Xi Fat Chai" 
kaan  :)

Shell 'to cut oil reserves figures'
Oil giant Royal Dutch Shell is set to slash its 2007 reserves figures by more 
than half, it has been reported.
The company will mark down its reserves by 1.3 billion barrels - around one 
year's production - according to the Observer newspaper.
Chief executive Jeroen van der Veer is also expected to say that production 
growth will be near zero until 2010 in a strategy update on Monday, the report 
Shell was at the centre of the biggest crisis in its history in 2004 when it 
overstated its reserves by a fifth, shaking confidence in the firm and sparking 
lawsuits which the oil major has settled at a cost of more than £200 million.
Mr van der Veer is expected to cite problems in Russia and Nigeria as the 
reason for the reserves downgrade, the report says.
The Anglo-Dutch company's stake in the vast Sakhalin-2 gas field has been 
diluted from from 55% to 27.5% after Russian giant Gazprom bought control of 
the project in April last year. This is expected to wipe
1.1 billion off reserves.
Meanwhile, Shell's production facilities in Nigeria have come under heavy 
attack from rebels in the oil-rich Niger Delta region. The company is said to 
have lowered its reserves estimates by around 200 million barrels as a result.
The company's reserves replacement ratio is expected to have fallen to around 
80% last year - meaning Shell only found enough oil and gas to replace 80% of 
what it produced - according to the newspaper.
The reserves issue comes just weeks after Shell reported annual profits of 
£13.6bn for 2007 - a record for a UK company which sparked calls for a windfall 
tax on the profits.

No one can monopolize the truth !

* acara utama: 27-28 Agustus 2008
* penerimaan abstrak: kemarin2 s/d 30 April 2008
* pengumuman penerimaan abstrak: 15 Mei 2008
* batas akhir penerimaan makalah lengkap: 15 Juli 2008
* abstrak / makalah dikirimkan ke:
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* pendaftaran calon ketua: 13 Pebruari - 6 Juni 2008
* penghitungan suara: waktu PIT IAGI Ke-37 di Bandung AYO, CALONKAN DIRI ANDA 

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* acara utama: 27-28 Agustus 2008
* penerimaan abstrak: kemarin2 s/d 30 April 2008
* pengumuman penerimaan abstrak: 15 Mei 2008
* batas akhir penerimaan makalah lengkap: 15 Juli 2008
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