Salam rekans,
  Ada yang pernah dengar atau mungkin punya pengalaman dengan tool yang namanya 
Infrasonic Passive Differential Spectroscopy (IPDS).
  Kalau saya lihat webnya Geodynamic research, claimnya sih lumayan fantastik juga,  
sebagai direct hydrocarbon cummulation indicator yang murah meriah baik untuk 
explorasi maupun development.
  Tapi koq kaya'nya too good to be true ya....
  Ditunggu komen-komen nya.
              Geospectra IPDS® 


        Passive method (non invasive) 

      Active method (highly invasive) 

        Detecting natural signals 

      Detecting induced signals 

        Micro-seismic / acoustic spectroscopy 

      Seismic refraction & reflection (travel time and amplitude) 

        No dispersion, no refraction, no absorption 

      High dispersion, high refraction, high absorption 

        Low frequency 0.1 - 8 Hz 

      High frequency > 10 Hz 

        Seismometer – high sensitivity 

      Geophone – low sensitivity 

        Detecting hydrocarbon fluids 

      Detecting shape of rock formation (structure) 

        Determine total net oil column 

      Determine depth of structures 

        Quick and accurate results with time and money savings 

      Time and money consuming in complex areas 

    Geospectra IPDS® Direct hydrocarbon detection method
complements seismic data

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