Barangkali ada yang berminat mendengarkan "The 'LUSI' Mud Eruption of East Java"
versi  Dr. Mark Tingay  di PESA (Petroleum Exploration Society of Australia) WA 
Luncheon meeting di Perth 24 July 2008.
Ada yang tahu nggak, siapa di Indonesia yang menjadi partner kerjasama Dr 
Tingay ini ?
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From: Message From PESA <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Wednesday, 9 July, 2008 6:11:43 PM
Subject: PESA WA - 24 July Luncheon meeting

Dear Member

Details of the PESA WA Branch 24 July luncheon meeting are now
available on the PESA Events Database -

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gateway and a receipt is automatically created for all online
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Title of Luncheon meeting: The 'LUSI' Mud Eruption of East Java

Presenter: Dr Mark Tingay, Australian Postdoctoral Fellow and Lecturer, 
Department of Applied Geology, Curtin University of Technology.

Venue: Parmelia Hilton Hotel, 14 Mill Street Perth

Date: Thursday 24 July

Start time: 12.00 PM (mid-day)
End time: 2.00 PM

Prices: Members Early Bird: $60.00
Early Bird bookings must be made by Friday 18 July

All bookings received after Friday 18 July will be charged at the
fee of $80.00.

Student and Retired Members Early Bird: $30.00
Early Bird bookings must be made by Friday 18 July

All bookings received after Friday 18 July
will be charged at the fee of $80.00. 

Non-Members - the fee of $80.00 applies. 

No refund for cancellations after 4:00 pm Tuesday 22 July


Individuals should go to the PESA Events Database -

Companies should email details of multiple registrations and payment
details to [EMAIL PROTECTED] or use the form (attached to the
event in the Event Database) and fax it to the number listed (9375


Early in the morning of the 29th of May 2006, hot mud started erupting from the 
ground in the densely populated Porong District of Sidoarjo, East Java. With 
initial flow rates of ~5000 cubic meters per day, the mud quickly inundated 
neighbouring villages. Over two years later and the 'Lusi' eruption has 
increased in strength, expelling over 50 million cubic meters of mud at an 
average rate of approximately 100000 cubic meters per day. The mud flow has now 
covered over 700 hectares of land to depths of over 20 meters, engulfing a 
dozen villages and displacing over 25000 people.

The Lusi eruption is an example of a mud volcano, a relatively common feature 
in sedimentary basins that have been rapidly deposited or are in tectonically 
active areas. However, controversy remains regarding what triggered the mud 
eruption. Some scientists believe the eruption was triggered by the Magnitude 
6.4 Yogyakarta earthquake that occurred on the 27th of May 2006. However, other 
researchers believe the mud eruption resulted from a drilling accident in the 
adjacent Banjar Panji-1 exploration well. This talk will review the events 
leading up to and following the Lusi eruption, discuss the attempts made to 
contain and stop the mud flow and examine the competing theories about what 
triggered the eruption.

About the speaker:
Mark Tingay is currently an Australian Postdoctoral Fellow and Lecturer in the 
Department of Applied Geology at Curtin University where he examines the 
tectonic evolution of sedimentary basins in SE Asia. His primary field of 
research is in petroleum geomechanics, pore pressure prediction and 
neotectonics. In particular, he specialises in studying the mechanics of rock 
failure and fluid mobilisation in zones of very high pore pressure, including 
oil field blowouts and natural features, such as mud volcanoes, shale dykes and 
shale diapirs.

Dr Tingay graduated with a PhD in geophysics from the Australian School of 
Petroleum in 2003. Following his PhD, he became the petroleum geomechanics 
researcher at the World Stress Map Project in Germany, where he undertook 
collaborative petroleum geomechanics projects with over twenty petroleum 
companies in more than a dozen countries, including Azerbaijan, Egypt, Oman, 
Thailand and Malaysia. He has published over 20 papers, consulted on numerous 
petroleum geomechanics projects in SE Asia and taught several industry short 
courses on petroleum geomechanics and tectonics.

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