Ada yang menarik dari petikan wawancaranya;

<>6. How are you
planning to invest the award money?

I am planning to make use of the award money by promoting learning and
practices in disaster risk reduction in a number of areas prone to volcanic
eruptions, such as the Mt. Kelud area in East Java and the Mt. Egon in East
Nusa Tenggara, and a number of other areas that have escaped our attention.
Additionally, I would like to initiate a community centre for learning
related to disaster risk reduction.

7. What are your future plans for furthering disaster risk reduction?

My future plans include contributing to the implementation of the Hyogo
Framework for Action by means of promoting investments that are more
locally-based, make use of local resources and knowledge and that facilitate
disaster risk reduction as an inclusive process. In Indonesia, every island
and ethnicity has their own ways of practicing disaster risk reduction.

On Thu, Jun 18, 2009 at 9:03 AM, Rovicky Dwi Putrohari <>wrote:

> [image: Eko Teguh Paripurno]
> *Dr. Eko Teguh Paripurno, Indonesia*
> Nominated by: Mr. Shehal Soneji, Acting Country Director, Oxfam Great
> Britain
> About the recipients of the 2009 UN Sasakawa Prize for Disaster Reduction
> The 2009 laureate for the Sasakawa Award for Disaster Reduction is
> geologist
> Dr. Eko Teguh Paripurno, as was unanimously decided by the jury for the
> Sasakawa Award for Disaster Reduction. Additionally, five organizations
> actively involved in disaster reduction are awarded Certificates (two
> Certificates of Distinction, three Certificates of Merit). All award
> winners
> significantly contributed to the implementation of the Hyogo Framework for
> Action, a globally adopted plan to further Disaster Risk Reduction. The
> decisions were taken following a selection process involving careful
> deliberation and a thorough review of the submitted material.
> *Laureate 2009
> Dr. Eko Teguh Paripurno, Indonesia*
> Dr. Eko Teguh Paripurno was selected as this year’s laureate for the
> Sasakawa Award for Disaster Reduction. Dr Paripurno is the Director of the
> Research Center for Disaster Management of the University of National
> Development in Yogyakarta and consultant to local and national governments
> as well as to various civil society organizations. In these roles, Dr
> Paripurno is significantly contributing to reduce disaster risk in
> Indonesia, one of the countries most vulnerable to multiples hazards. The
> recommendation for the Award followed the jury’s assessment of his lifetime
> contribution and his outstanding commitment to reduce disaster risk and
> build capacity at the community level in Indonesia, one of the countries
> most vulnerable to multiple hazards.
> Dr Paripurno is both scientist and practitioner, and has hence opened new
> paths in an outstanding career combining sound science and its application
> for public safety, appropriate technology and advocacy for mobilizing
> resources. He has worked in the area of science, technology and society
> without losing touch with the community. Dr Paripurno demonstrates life
> long
> learning and ties together technical and community level experiences in
> risk
> reduction. He has contributed to legislation, and has helped to establish
> policies which guide the development of strategies and good practice. This
> work has been put into operation in Indonesia where it supports disaster
> risk reduction for a number of different hazards, reaching from earthquakes
> and volcanic eruptions to floods. He has played an active role in awareness
> raising and advocacy with strong support for the commitment to public
> education and media involvement.
> Examples of his work include a deep involvement in actions taken in the
> aftermath of the Yogyakarta earthquake of 2006, which killed nearly 6000
> people. Moreover, he has been with working with communities located near
> the
> Merapi Volcano, Egon Volcano and Kelud Volcano. Dr Paripurno has worked
> consistently in the field of community based disaster risk management in
> Indonesia for more than fifteen years. He has contributed directly to
> capacity building through his involvement in more than 750 local disaster
> risk management projects in 20 provinces in Indonesia and has indirectly
> reached thousands of people.
> Dr Paripurno has demonstrated a deep personal commitment and enthusiasm
> throughout his life, steadily broadening his own expertise and expanding
> his
> influence to meet the needs of communities and of his country for improved
> Disaster Risk Reduction.
> 2009/6/18 Turidho (TURIDHO) <>
> > Amiiiin...
> > Semoga upaya mas Eko untuk mengenalkan TTG bagi masyarakat sekeliling Gn
> > Merapi bukan hanya membuahkan hasil yg berkaitan dg TTG itu sendiri tapi
> > juga menyadarkan mereka untuk bisa akrab dg gn Merapi serta hidup
> > berdampingan secara saling menguntungkan.
> > Eh, bicara mengenai akrab dg alam, bagaimana dg mitigasi bencana di
> > penambangan batubara Sawah Lunto? Kang Ade Edward dg orang pusat konon
> > sedang melakukan penelitian disana, tentunya hasil mereka kita tunggu2.
> > Atau adakah yang sudah punya bocoran? Konon ini menyangkut ranah hokum
> > dan bisnis yaa...
> > -ido-
> >
> > -----Original Message-----
> > From: Mufti M. Darissalam []
> > Sent: Thursday, June 18, 2009 8:14 AM
> > To:
> >  Subject: Re: [iagi-net-l] Sasaka Award untuk salah satu anggota IAGI
> > Jogja
> >
> > Slamet-Slamet
> >
> > Sangat membanggakan.
> >
> > Semoga dari Indonesia ada yang menyusul (2 th lagi ya?)
> >
> > md
> >
> >
> > ----- Original Message -----
> > From: "Rovicky Dwi Putrohari" <>
> > To: <>
> > Sent: Wednesday, June 17, 2009 10:23 PM
> > Subject: Re: [iagi-net-l] Sasaka Award untuk salah satu anggota IAGI
> > Jogja
> >
> >
> > Congrat
> > Bravo utk kesuksesan yang boleh membanggakan ini
> > Salam
> > Rdp
> >
> > On 6/17/09, budi santoso <> wrote:
> > > Hebat!! salut mas ET Paripurno!
> > >
> > > stj
> > >
> > >
> > >
> > >
> > > ________________________________
> > > From: mohammad syaiful <>
> > > To:
> > > Sent: Wednesday, June 17, 2009 2:37:01 PM
> > > Subject: Re: [iagi-net-l] Sasaka Award untuk salah satu anggota IAGI
> > Jogja
> > >
> > > wah, memang hebat pak eko teguh. meskipun tidak mengusung nama iagi,
> > > semoga pamor ahli geologi indonesia juga semakin dikenal baik oleh
> > > dunia.
> > >
> > > salam bangga,
> > > syaiful
> > >
> > > 2009/6/17 Wahyudi Adhiutomo <>:
> > >> Peneliti Indonesia Terima Sasaka Award
> > >> Rabu, 17 Juni 2009 | 10:54 WIB
> > >> TEMPO Interaktif,
> > >> Jenewa: Dr. Eko teguh Peripurno, dosen dan peneliti dari Universitas
> > >> Pembangunan Nasional Yogyakarta, menerima Sasaka Award, penghargaan
> > >> bergengsi yang diberikan kepada mereka yang telah berkontribusi dalam
> > >> upaya mengurangi risiko bencana, di Jenewa, Swiss, hari ini. Direktur
> > >> Pusat Penelitian untuk Manajemen Bencana Universitas Pembangunan
> > Nasional
> > >> itu berhak menerima hadiah uang sebesar US$ 50 ribu atau
> > >> sekitar Rp 500 juta. Sasakawa Award merupakan penghargaan dari
> > Yayasan
> > >> Nippon Jepang yang diberikan kepada mereka yang telah berkomitmen
> > untuk
> > >> mengurangi risiko bencana. Eko memperoleh penghargaan ini berkat
> > upayanya
> > >> dalam memperkenalkan teknologi tepat guna bagi masyarakat lokal di
> > >> sekitar
> > >> Gunung Merapi."Penghargaan ini akan saya gunakan untuk membangun
> > >> kapasitas
> > >> masyarakat di sekitar Gunung Merapi, supaya mereka mengenal dengan
> > baik
> > >> gunung tersebut. Ini adalah langkah awal dalam upaya untuk mengurangi
> > >> risiko bencana," kata
> > >> Eko dalam pertemuan Global Platform for Disaster Reduction di Jenewa.
> > >> Selama ini Eko menjadi konsultan pemerintah, baik lokal maupun
> > nasional,
> > >> serta terlibat aktif dalam beberapa lembaga swadaya masyarakat dalam
> > >> penanganan bencana. Dia juga terlibat aktif dalam penanganan
> > pascagempa
> > >> di Yogyakarta pada 2006--bencana yang menewaskan hampir 6.000 orang.
> > Eko
> > >> telah bekerja di bidang manajemen risiko bencana, kebanyakan yang
> > terkait
> > >> dengan letusan gunung berapi, di Indonesia selama lebih dari 15
> > tahun.
> > >> Dia
> > >> juga berperan langsung dalam pembangunan kapasitas di lebih dari 750
> > >> proyek manajemen risiko bencana di 20 provinsi. IWANK |
> > >> (JENEWA)
> > >>
> > >> Selamat dan Sukses... Pak Eko Teguh....
> > >>
> > >>
> > >> Salute,
> > >> .Yudi
> > >>
> > >>
> > ------------------------------------------------------------------------
> > --------
> > >> PP-IAGI 2008-2011:
> > >> ketua umum: LAMBOK HUTASOIT,
> > >> sekjen: MOHAMMAD SYAIFUL,
> > >> * 2 sekretariat (Jkt & Bdg), 5 departemen, banyak biro...
> > >>
> > ------------------------------------------------------------------------
> > --------
> > >> ayo meriahkan PIT ke-38 IAGI!!!
> > >> yg akan dilaksanakan di Hotel Gumaya, Semarang
> > >> 13-14 Oktober 2009
> > >>
> > ------------------------------------------------------------------------
> > -----
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> > >> Pembayaran iuran anggota ditujukan ke:
> > >> Bank Mandiri Cab. Wisma Alia Jakarta
> > >> No. Rek: 123 0085005314
> > >> Atas nama: Ikatan Ahli Geologi Indonesia (IAGI)
> > >> Bank BCA KCP. Manara Mulia
> > >> No. Rekening: 255-1088580
> > >> A/n: Shinta Damayanti
> > >> IAGI-net Archive 1:
> >
> > >> IAGI-net Archive 2:
> > >> ---------------------------------------------------------------------
> > >> DISCLAIMER: IAGI disclaims all warranties with regard to information
> > >> posted on its mailing lists, whether posted by IAGI or others. In no
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> > >> the use of any information posted on IAGI mailing list.
> > >> ---------------------------------------------------------------------
> > >>
> > >>
> > >
> > >
> > >
> > > --
> > > Mohammad Syaiful - Explorationist, Consultant Geologist
> > > Mobile: 62-812-9372808
> > > Emails:
> > > (business)
> > >
> > >
> > > Technical Manager of
> > > Exploration Think Tank Indonesia (ETTI)
> > >
> > >
> > ------------------------------------------------------------------------
> > --------
> > > PP-IAGI 2008-2011:
> > > ketua umum: LAMBOK HUTASOIT,
> > > sekjen: MOHAMMAD SYAIFUL,
> > > * 2 sekretariat (Jkt & Bdg), 5 departemen, banyak biro...
> > >
> > ------------------------------------------------------------------------
> > --------
> > > ayo meriahkan PIT ke-38 IAGI!!!
> > > yg akan dilaksanakan di Hotel Gumaya, Semarang
> > > 13-14 Oktober 2009
> > >
> > ------------------------------------------------------------------------
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> > > Bank Mandiri Cab. Wisma Alia Jakarta
> > > No. Rek: 123 0085005314
> > > Atas nama: Ikatan Ahli Geologi Indonesia (IAGI)
> > > Bank BCA KCP. Manara Mulia
> > > No. Rekening: 255-1088580
> > > A/n: Shinta Damayanti
> > > IAGI-net Archive 1:
> > > IAGI-net Archive 2:
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> > > DISCLAIMER: IAGI disclaims all warranties with regard to information
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> > > ---------------------------------------------------------------------
> > >
> > >
> > >
> >
> > --
> > Sent from my mobile device
> >
> >
> > ah-laut-1-proses-terbentuknya/
> >
> > ------------------------------------------------------------------------
> > --------
> > PP-IAGI 2008-2011:
> > ketua umum: LAMBOK HUTASOIT,
> > * 2 sekretariat (Jkt & Bdg), 5 departemen, banyak biro...
> > ------------------------------------------------------------------------
> > --------
> > ayo meriahkan PIT ke-38 IAGI!!!
> > yg akan dilaksanakan di Hotel Gumaya, Semarang
> > 13-14 Oktober 2009
> > ------------------------------------------------------------------------
> > -----
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> > Bank Mandiri Cab. Wisma Alia Jakarta
> > No. Rek: 123 0085005314
> > Atas nama: Ikatan Ahli Geologi Indonesia (IAGI)
> > Bank BCA KCP. Manara Mulia
> > No. Rekening: 255-1088580
> > A/n: Shinta Damayanti
> > IAGI-net Archive 1:
> > IAGI-net Archive 2:
> > ---------------------------------------------------------------------
> > DISCLAIMER: IAGI disclaims all warranties with regard to information
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> >
> > ------------------------------------------------------------------------
> > --------
> > PP-IAGI 2008-2011:
> > ketua umum: LAMBOK HUTASOIT,
> > * 2 sekretariat (Jkt & Bdg), 5 departemen, banyak biro...
> > ------------------------------------------------------------------------
> > --------
> > ayo meriahkan PIT ke-38 IAGI!!!
> > yg akan dilaksanakan di Hotel Gumaya, Semarang
> > 13-14 Oktober 2009
> > ------------------------------------------------------------------------
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> > No. Rek: 123 0085005314
> > Atas nama: Ikatan Ahli Geologi Indonesia (IAGI)
> > Bank BCA KCP. Manara Mulia
> > No. Rekening: 255-1088580
> > A/n: Shinta Damayanti
> > IAGI-net Archive 1:
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> >
> >
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> > PP-IAGI 2008-2011:
> > ketua umum: LAMBOK HUTASOIT,
> > * 2 sekretariat (Jkt & Bdg), 5 departemen, banyak biro...
> >
> >
> --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
> > ayo meriahkan PIT ke-38 IAGI!!!
> > yg akan dilaksanakan di Hotel Gumaya, Semarang
> > 13-14 Oktober 2009
> >
> >
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> > No. Rek: 123 0085005314
> > Atas nama: Ikatan Ahli Geologi Indonesia (IAGI)
> > Bank BCA KCP. Manara Mulia
> > No. Rekening: 255-1088580
> > A/n: Shinta Damayanti
> > IAGI-net Archive 1:
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> > DISCLAIMER: IAGI disclaims all warranties with regard to information
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> >
> >
> --

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