Debat antara yg pro dan kontra thd konsep "Perubahan Iklim" ini telah
berlangsung di Perth - adakah yg sempat hadir dan berbagi ceritera?
Mungkinkah IAGI mengadakan diskusi (debat) semacam ini (spt ditanyakan oleh
kawan di bawah sana)?


Salam - Daru



7.30pm Thursday 9th July 2009,  Golden Nugget Room,Gloucester Park,  Nelson
Parade,  East Perth.(next to the WACA)


Professor Ian Plimer is a geologist, an excellent speaker and a prominent
critic of the theory of human-induced global warming. Ian believes the IPCC
has neglected historical evidence of past climate changes, which are
recorded in the rocks. "When we look at the history of climate changes, not
one has been driven by carbon dioxide," he says. "Climate always changes, as
do sea levels, as does life (on Earth) and we are living in times that are
not extraordinary. The only way you can have the view that humans change
climate is if you ignore history." 


Gary Warden was raised in the Perth Hills. After graduating from the UWA
with a degree in geology, Gary joined BHP Billiton where he spent 18 years
working in a variety of roles in a number of locations around the world.
While he was originally sceptical about the claims re-lating to climate
change, Gary became convinced of the urgency of the issue in early 2006. He
left BHP Billiton primarily to spend more time with his young family, but
also to dedicate himself to helping to ward off climate change.  In
September 2007 he was trained by Al Gore and has delivered the "Inconvenient
Truth" lectures to thousands of West Australians since then. In November
2007 Gary ran for the senate in the Federal Election representing the
Climate Change Coalition. 



Thomas Murrell will mediate. A multi-award winning broadcaster,
international business speaker, author and professional MC who has been
working behind a microphone for more than 25 years as a reporter, presenter
and executive producer.  Now as the CEO of his own consulting company,
Thomas has been recognised by his peers as a Certified Speaking
Pro-fessional (CSP), the highest possible international qualification and
accreditation for profes-sional speakers.



[] On Behalf Of Bosta Pratama
Sent: Thursday, July 09, 2009 1:17 PM
Subject: [economicgeology] Climate Change Debate [1 Attachment]


[Attachment(s) from Bosta Pratama included below] 

Apakah mungkin MGEI/IAGI mengadakan acara serupa?


Attachment(s) from Bosta Pratama 

1 of 1 File(s) 

20Debate%20Flyer%2Epdf> AIG Climate Change Debate Flyer.pdf

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